
Thursday, 28 December 2017

Specialist Police Vehicles. Two.

Radioactive, biological and Chemical.

We are living in the age of International terrorism and the growing threat of the use of a dirty bomb on the British mainland is ever nearing the day? The Police use many dedicated vehicles in their various lines of work, we are seeing an increase of their deployments on our TV's because of the more reported incidents?

Some seem to be traffic incidents, but may be more sinister that they seem, much training is underway by the emergency services in preparation for another mass casualty attack such as the terrible events of Manchester earlier this year!

The role of the Police is changing from Guardians of the peace and keeping the peace to that of dealing, if not eventually be armed because of religious inspired terror and enhanced criminal activity with acid and other toxic substances!

New vehicles will need to be developed alongside existing ones to deal with the excessive cuts and the rising situations?

The Electric Train!

Japanese Technology Applied?

Battery trains are nothing new, they have been operating on the London underground since 19th Century electrification was introduced. Meanwhile the Electric Multiple unit or overhead electrics, apart from third rail has been in service since the 1920's.

But the concept of an Electric train running on non electric lines is a new concept that will see it applied in the urban environment over the next twenty years and this may also be combined with driverless trains? 

Much new technology is being applied each year to the British rail network, thus the hike in train fares? Internet fibre caballing is the latest feature to hit the headlines, but it is a side track to what is really being planned and that is the phasing out of all old locomotives by 2020!

Early success with long life lithium batteries and solar-panels is proving effective, so the demand for cleaner air in our large towns and cities is driving this concept forward!

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Airbus A350-900XWB

XWB (Extra wide body).

Traditionally since the 1960's and the introduction of the Boeing 747-100/200 in the 1970's it was the ideal to think longer and to create a two deck large commercial civil airliner? This has now come to the fore with the Airbus A380, being the only double decker civil aircraft!

Boeing was again the first to introduce a two engine wide body known as the 777 series, while Airbus have proceeded with its own and first extra wide-bodied aircraft! The idea here is to eventually achieve the dream of a flying wing, which has been on the board for over 90 years!

The A350-900 is selling and being ordered more today than its newer series 1000, which is perhaps coming too early to the commercial markets? Meanwhile competition is great for this size of aircraft and Boeing is now proposing the 777X.

Ambulances. One.

Mercedes Sprinter!

The need of a medical corps or the need to transport the ill to a hospital goes back millennium with pack animals and horses pulling a wagon of some type, but since the advent of the petrol engine many vehicles have been adapted for this role!

Today the Ambulance is a mobile medical centre, but remains limited and this depends in what country one may be ill in? In Israel and the U.S Emergency vehicles along with many European countries have some of the best state of the art facilities being enabled to treat on the scene thus saving time, money and lives!

Here in the U.K. much was made about the introduction of this new type of ambulance, but cuts have been made by the NHS and experience in one can be like being on a Merry-go-round? All emergency vehicles one believes should have four by four drive and be fairly stable, especially in the light of recent terrorist attacks here in the U.K. (England) this year?

Electric Vehicles. Part-One.

A new Generation!

Currently Royal Mail, the British postal delivery has taken delivery of six new Polish built electric vans to work the streets of London the capital of the U.K. This is one of many who are trialing these new battery powered vehicles along with UPS, FexEx and Tesco's!

There are many ideas and possibilities on the table for Transport for London (TFL) along with many other European cities in the hope to decrease the ever rising problem of pollution! TFL is also looking at a new generation of electric buses that could have terminals for re-charging at their final destination points?

Currently bio-fuel and dual engine vehicles from Italy and Germany are being put through their paces, but the development of new Lithium batteries with a capacity of up to 130 miles without a charge looks much more viable than ever!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Logistics. One.

Behind every great Army!

Logistics is a specialist field of organisation that is in its own right a calling and discipline and when it is implemented in a right manner any military, civil or humanitarian operation will be a success to only the point of human failure somewhere in the machine of organisation?

When we see the last of these great military parades today of tanks and missiles, artillery and marching soldiers around the world and even the changing of the guard, there is much organisation and infrastructure behind all this pomp that is never seen by the mainstream general public?

If one has worked as a caretaker or specialises in events management, then you have the advantage of having the ability to change the seating layout for over one-hundred people at short notice?

This means moving whole rows without dismantling them down to individual seats and so this is the same with support and logistics?

Day of the Drones. Part-One.

Cheaper and safer?

In the long run lives will be saved in the armed forces by the introduction of battle field drones, air and sea, space and underwater!

Many people are worried and concerned about the introduction of self-thinking robotics, but we have had them in service since the 1960's and at the end of the day, they are only machines?

The British Police were seeing using a drone recently in a Midlands incident, and one believes this was to great effect to end that siege? What is to come will be of great advantage and many military aircraft programmes will be replaced by drone aircraft?

We are someway off still in relation to the drones of science-fiction, but robots are being introduced in Japan to hotels, hospitals and schools!

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Specialist Police Vehicles. Part-One.

Riot Control and Dispersal.

Every police force and Paramilitary Police have developed their own types of riot dispersal vehicles to meet the needs of the various situations that may occur? Many countries including the U.K do use semi-militarised vehicles as in N-Ireland, but France, Belgium and the U.S.A. have also those types to deal with bomb and gunfire.

The riot control vehicle was developed from both the early armoured cars and armoured personnel carriers, which were of military usage. From 1947 what we have today began in the United States, being developed from military trucks adapted to deal with the Gangsterism of the 1920'-30s.

Shorts-Landrover developed the Simba series of armoured vehicles from the early 1970's to the present, armour plating was an essential to these waggon's from IRA, Loyalist and other smaller factional groupings. Blast, nail, pipe bombs, Snipers, sustained machine gunfire, petrol and other mixed concoction bombs were the main threat in the major towns and cities!

But the former RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary, had relied on the Thompson's Handy Andy truck conversion from 1922 to 1969, but in the Ulster countryside it was the landmines and home-made Culvert bombs that were fatal to these new Land rovers?

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Airbus has saved the Day?

Jobs in N-Ireland are safe for now?

The PM made a mad rush to the EU to save Canadian plan maker jobs in East-Belfast, but one has to wonder at what cost? From this one move it looks like we will be staying in the EU after all and our media is telling us a pack of crap lies?

Airbus on the other hand will want to develop this aircraft into its own portfolio and eventually make it its own! The question still remains, will it be able to break into the U.S. market as being hoped for or will the U.S. President Trump continue to increase import taxes?

Now you know what it is like to have a good idea and find that you invention can be blocked by others, who believe it to be a threat to their economy or business and how political pleading can overrule elections and the will of the people?

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Canadian Bombardier CS100/300. Part-Two.

N-Ireland Costs.

It looks as if the deal with the DUP has now paid off with the probable closure of the Sydenham Bombardier works and the loss of two-thousand skilled jobs? The British government will not give in to the U.S. now that BAE has laid off workers in connection to its reduced production of Hawk and Typhoon jets, with a slump in the Persian Gulf sales department?

The U.S. will just keep increasing the tax tariffs on Canada, until they are re-assured that the U.S. aviation industry is secured. The one point of a thorn in the flesh is the Belfast plant and the incentives that have been poured into over the years peace-process or none the U.S do not care!

Canada's hope now lies in the world market, but these aircraft are up against similar competition by Brazils Embraer E-170.190/5, Russia's MC-21 and the  Sukhoi Superjet-100/200. Meanwhile both China and Japan are developing similar sized aircraft for their own markets?

Both Boeing and Airbus currently hold the world market in a very large range of aircraft, Boeing 737-6/700, Airbus A321neo, A319/18, that are all similar to the CS100/300?

But what Bombardier has, is that their aircraft meets the replacement criteria for the recently retired Boeing 737-300 series and its short runway ability? This does not mean its a STOL type, but rather it can handle smaller runways and airports, where other aircraft need longer runways?

Perhaps the real truth is U.S. Jealousy over missing a small advantage in the aviation market? AFRICA?

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Off to War Again?

HMS Queen Elizabeth is Preparing?

It looks as if we here in the U.K. are off to was with N-Korea soon, one thought it was going to be Russia? But it looks like we will have to support the U.S. President Trump and His U.S. forces in the far-east?

Britain was involved in the first Korean peninsula war, which brought about N and S-Korea, at the cost of 20% loss of Korean lives! The North-Korean leader is portrayed in the Western media as mad, but the reality is far from that claim!

The British Royal Navy will be putting our new aircraft to the test in the China sea and joining other NATO forces. One hopes that neither China nor Russia get involved in military action, but rather diplomatic roles?

This new carrier will prove itself with the Lockheed Martin F-35 deployment, and its range of BAE Missile systems, because it may get battered from N-Korean defence systems? It is not clear what Britain's role in this war is to be as yet?

The U.S has threatened a Nuclear strike, the first since 1945 in the region! The great dangers, will be if Iran, Pakistan get involved? It is estimated that thirty-one million people will die and a further ten to fifteen million suffer from the radiation fall out?

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Canadian Bombardier CS100/300. Part-One.

Boeing Lawsuit!

This is the problem that one faces today in the aviation industry and business, that new aircraft types are being penalised by the new U.S. administration if they want to enter the U.S. market? The U.S., China and Russia dominate the world, because of land mass size and difficult environments from cold to hot and mountains to deserts!

The U.S. remains the most busiest air lanes in the world, after Europe and the Far-East, Boeing is perhaps the worlds largest supplier of both civil aircraft to military and its sees Bombardier over the border as serious competition in relation to several of its current models.

The Canadian CS100/300 is a breakthrough for Canada as its first viable Jet airliner, Bombardier is also successful in its business class Jets!. In recent years Swiss Air has seen a potential new market for the Bombardier biz jet in short haul and low seating capacity and the CS100 meets their needs.

Delta Airlines in the U.S. has also seen a gap in the market in relation to seating with the new Canadian jet and this will outdo Boeing in relation to their popular Boeing 737 family, types 600/700/800 and the newer version of the 900/MAX.

Cycling Safety?

New laws for road users?

The law will have to be changed in the light of recent events, were a man who killed a pedestrian on a bike with no breaks got off with it? Currently there many other forms of people powered transport on our roads and pavements, such as skate boards?

Collision meant or not will continue to be a problem, when people continue to give up on the right of way and yet expect to covered by Insurance and others laws that do not exist?

With the many new ideas of two wheel travel none of them are as safe, despite in some cases being viable in airports and factories for inspections?

The Bicycle still is up there as King!

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Rail and Tram options. Two.

London Overloaded?

Currently the capital of the United Kingdom is overloaded in relation to pressure on transport needs? Millions is being spent on Cross rail, planned extension's to the Bakerloo Line and the DLR, but this still will not stop the problems of overloading?

Plans are a foot to replace the diesel bus fleet with new Italian Electric buses, some are already in service. But what they lack is capacity and this short term ploy will not really help the situation that worsens daily?

Thames link  has purchased a fleet of plug trains that are walk through, and these are much longer than previous stock, thus much work is underway to make station platforms longer!

The opportunity of extending the tram network in London would help, even if it was based on the original layout?

Cost is not a problem for the capital, but lack of vision is and until some really good city Mayor comes to the fore, things will only get slower and tempers frayed??

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

HMS Queen Elizabeth.

Too much complaining?

The British Royal Navy are not hanging about to get their real estate commissioned and deployed to sea in these worrying times? The U.S. F-35 V/STOL (Vertical and short take-off landing) fighter jets continue to have teething problems, but this is true with all new technology?

It is better to find the problems now and not in the middle of any conflict or war? Perhaps the option of a temporary fix with any left over Harriers might compensate if needed, but it looks like helicopters will be the mainstay for the moment?

This carrier and the largest vessel the British Royal Navy has ever built has more internally than on the outside, splitting the bridges shows that missile command and defence may be with control on one tower, while the other tower will deal with aircraft movements and drone deployment?

Sonar and defence measures one hopes will be improved before she sails and that she will be effective within her up to date support, frigates and submarines? Meanwhile we await the Prince of Wales, her sister ship!

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Last days of Cassini!

Space, 'Big Bucks?

It will be the travelling into inner space in the next fifty years that will encourage big bucks and business for Virgin and the many who will follow with their Space planes?

Robotic Space craft Cassini is now ending its life travelling around the gas giant Saturn and its rings for the last fourteen years, before it makes the final death plunge on the 15th of September?  It was one of a series of probes which has lead the way to the New Horizons to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, and Juno has now arrived at Jupiter to make an in depth study of this gas giant the largest planet in our Solar System.

A new rover is planned to visit Venus and another Robotic car for Mars, which will tell us if it is really viable to have a human occupied base there? Humanity is a curios species, we have always like to know what was over the hill and that is how we have spread out across Earth!

Human settlement for the Moon and Mars is the goals for this century, but mining will probably we one of the ultimate goals for our race, as we move more and more into the computer age?

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

All new British Trains?

The Price Hike!

It is claimed by the various private companies, that it is their hope by 2020 to have a modern fleet of all new trains across the mainland U.K? Meanwhile they also say that the last batch of Class 66 locomotives with many newer types will mean the mass selling off of all other existing classes either to preservation or overseas buyers?

This perhaps explains the price hike in fairs for 2018, but it also means that regional governments such as Scotland and Wales may have their last opportunity to expand or re-build lines before Brexit?

London and the south-east will benefit from Cross-rail and the extension of the Bakerloo line from Elephant and Castle to Lewisham, which in long overdue.

The government wants to build a high speed line from London to Pembroke dock, by passing Swansea, this will be via Carmarthen for freight? Meanwhile the proposed electrification may reach Cardiff, after it was cancelled?

All of this could just be another clever way of covering up raising the prices each year?

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Submarines. Part-Two.

UN Debate on Drone Weaponry?

A great debate is underway in relation to drone military weapons and how they are to be deployed and used in the near future? Concerns are in relation to target identification, can it tell the difference between hostile and non hostile and how will it know when a conflict is over if it was to meet its equivalent on the battle field?

As more and more aircraft become pilotless, so does the submariner drones based in the Midget subs these have similar capability? But it is not known if they are mini-Subs in their own right or just do reconnaissance work?

Despite money still being spent on the development of new classes of submarines, sometimes it is safer for machines to have that human override and the ability to identify friend from foe/ The next fifty years will ultimately see the introduction of more unmanned craft at sea, while armies will have vehicles without humans.

The advantages will be more weapons capability and choice to deploy in war, meaning that space of the design can be utilised to the best of ability? Much of this has arisen because of the Nano technology that one has in ones phone today, and the 'Posnotronic' brain of Science-Fiction will soon be a reality.  

Built into each unit will be advanced sensor's, sonar and so much more, that the mini-sub drone may never return to base in its life time, since it will be able to self repair and be upgraded via military GPS?

Tuesday, 15 August 2017


Revolutionary Vehicle!

Swansea council here in South-Wales have bought into this unique vehicle, known as the MULTIHOG. One is not sure which exact type this is, but with forty applications available it is a good machine for multi-purpose work.

Designed by the Dundalk Science institute in County-Louth Republic of Ireland back in 2007, it was for the recovery of missing and strayed golf balls. But from 2010 it was marketed in the U.K. and now some one-hundred and fifty machines are in service doing a variety of roles.

The initial impression of the vehicle, is that it has a traction and movement to a former Finnish military vehicle which was on a much larger scale developed back in the 1970;s will little success beyond experimental stages because of it unusual shape?

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Container Shipping is Changing?

Framed Supported.

The problem with container shipping is that boxes can be lost in rough weather conditions and so a new framed structure system has been adapted to compensate for this. All vessels will have to be updated to this new design and many more vessels will now be on the market for sale?

The new ships will restrict size and capacity for the first time, this will be a sort of standardisation? These vessels will be the largest built and will remain in service until technology demands what is to come next?

Another reason is the demise of smaller container ships is China's plan to build railways networks across Asia, Russia in to the Europe and the U.K. via the channel tunnel.

Also into the Middle-East, Arabia and on into the African continent. It is not clear if they also want to build a tunnel from Eastern-Russia into Alaska and on down through N-America into S-America?

Rail would now dominate land routes and call for less need of shipping, being restricted to Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands, and the Caribbean?

First all electric Plane!

New Israeli Design.

This new aircraft will be the first all electric powered, some would say that this cannot be a new idea? Idea yes their are many, but it would seem that this is to be the first to get off the ground with one type already built and ready for testing?

The reason is simple, the price of crude oil is becoming unpredictable to purchase because of so much fluctuation on the world markets? The other that we need to change our mind set in relation to climate change and global warming and find another available power source?

If this design gets flying and works, we will have entered a new revolution in aviation, which will go on to replace perhaps the continued need for fossil fuels apart from uranium for the Nuclear industry and Space flight?

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Submariners. Part-One.

Submarines, and Drones.

Many nations around the world still build, buy and use the submarine, technology has moved on with computing, nuclear power and drone ability? The early vessels were cramped and many crews on board died from fumes poisoning. The U.S lead with the first Holland Class vessels, which the British and many other nations copied and adapted.

But it was Imperial Germany that made the advances in the submariner world, with their own design which remained effective into the 1920's. With the advance of National-Socialism in Germany a new improved class of boats came into effect that was well ahead of all the nations.

Britain and the U.S. did catch up quickly during the second world war (1939-45), while others lagged behind such as Italy. It was the development of Sonar from Radar that gave Britain and the U.S the advantage of knowing where the enemy was. Many other nations opted for the Midget subs along with Britain and these small boats if they survived their missions could be quite effective, but they were really very limited?

From the Cold War era (1948-1994) it was the Soviet Union and the U.S.A that have dominated the design and construction of some seriously advanced vessels, while Britain and France have not been left out of the picture with their own. Nuclear powered vessels do not need to surface to be refuelled, they can remain hidden for months at great depths.

Advancements in miniaturization has allowed for drones of various type and robotic subs to be put into service doing dangerous work, without the cost of human life and losses.

The Motorbike. Two.


The role of the motorbike is far from over today, as it was yesterday? It is now one of the fastest machines on the surface, with top quality racing at all levels and its just that we do not see enough of the sport on TV?

Motorbikes have been adapted for Paramedic work in Israel and the U.S.A., these are the first responders to various situations? Nearly every police and paramilitary force in the world uses the motorbike for traffic and escorting  duties because of their flexibility.

Italy, Japan, Brazil, India, Australia and Russia still make some serious top quality machines for civil and military use. Some nations have copied British and U.S. designs and successfully adapted them

Today's machines are either top end or mass produced and in many nations in the developing world, such as India they are used for every imaginable use? China has moved on to advanced technology in the first mass produced electric battery powered machines, in fact there is no end now to the use and viability of this machine and its other various components, such as the scooter, scrambler and motorcycle.

Even the military are still using motorbikes in the communications role, despite the Internet and many other advanced forms of communications, we may not but others are.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Tractors. Part-Two.

Construction, Engineering and Mining.

This is perhaps not the place one would think to find the need for the tractor, but some of the machines we use today came first from these uses. Caterpillar is one of several companies that developed tracked machines for working in heavy soils, this was the same in Soviet Russian Steppes where land was not intersected by ditches as in the west.

Today many giant machines working in all of the titled areas are tractors, limited by speed and used to move loads about in tight spots even underground. These machines do not look like our idea of the farm machines but they are mechanically the same, the Bulldozer is in fact a converted tractor for the road and building construction industry.

The future for the tractor of all types will be there Robotising into unmanned piloted vehicles, from vast area farming to construction, tunnelling and mining. May be the only human contact in the near future will be for repairing and cleaning?

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Wales Air Show 2017.

1st-2nd July 2017 Best two Days?

This year has been another fine show of aviation past and present and one is putting in an advanced request for next years 100th Anniversary and the possibility of a BAE Harrier and Apache Helicopter? But what ever comes will be very welcome, as this event seems to be a yearly success now!

The security precautions and road blocks worked out well, so that more people seemed to be free to move about without the worry of passing traffic. The old favourites re-appeared the RAF Typhoon fighter Jet, RAF Boeing-Vertol Chinook transport helicopter and the Red Arrows again wooing the crowds, while the weather was much better than expected.

Vintage or classic aircraft comprised the World War-II (1939-45) Bristol Blenheim bomber, fighters Super marine Spitfire and Hawker Hurricane. Former RAF Jet fighters two De Havilland Vampires, single and two seat training versions in Norwegian Air Force colours and the BAC Strike master, both of these aircraft where also widely exported.

The Vampire was too late for WW-II service and so joined several other types from 1948 to the early 1960;s. The BAC later BAE Strike Master was conceived in the 1950's and enter production in 1967, other aircraft included the RAF Grob G.115E Tutor trainer and the Soviet Union/Polish Warsaw Pact era MIG-15UTI Midget.

Team Raven opened with a magnificent display in their Vans RV-8's, while the Red Arrows were flying the new Mark-II BAE Hawks. The Pitts 1S1 Special did some acrobatic flying and the combined forces Tigers parachute team did something different, with two drops from the Swansea based Cessna 206 Caravan-II.

HM Coastguard Augusta-Westland AW-139 G-CILP SAR helicopter worked in tandem in winching from RNLI Lifeboat 16-27 during several rounds of inshore Swansea Bay and the Defence helicopter Flying School SA-350BB Squirrel helicopter brought in Red leader one via the St. Helens rugby and cricket grounds on the Mumbles Road.

The planned RN Sea Vixen did not make it, it seems to have broken a wheel a few days ago?

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Missile Testing?

Not illegal under the UN Convention!

Iran, N-Korea and many more are free to test weapons and missile systems within their own ranges under International law, something the Media this year has failed to report? This week for the first time Iran fired its missiles at ISIL/S targets in Syria as a payback for the deadly terrorists attacks last week in Tehran.

N-Korea has fired hundreds of test rockets landing in the Sea of Japan, but well within its sea borders about 170 miles or 250Km from its shore line and well away from Japan? N.A.T.O. and other world power's make tests across the world in many far-flung places from the Marshall islands in the Pacific to the plains of Northern-Canada, Western-Australia, the Kerguelen  archipelago. (A challenge to find where that is on the world map?).

The great fear is the development of a nuclear bomb outside the five main powers? Israeli intelligence believe that there are up to thirty five countries with the capability to develop a low grade warhead and this includes at least twelve International terrorist groups?

Their problem is the unstable equipment and cost, if something where to go wrong? The UN meanwhile has failed with the world media to report the construction and use of smaller short range rockets being used by Terrorist groups in the Middle-East paid for by all the European Aid monies?

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

British Rail Class31/33.

Dwindling to Preservation?

Today these are either found working Departmental or Network track testing trains and one hopes may of what is left will soon head for the various preservation societies?

The Class 31 is the Brush/English Electric A1A-A1A, built between 1958-62 and could be described as a light engine. These Loughborough engines were originally numbered D5520-5862, today only one locomotive still carries D5613, 31190.

31/1 Is standard and only six remain, 31/4 has electric supply fitted and only six also remain in service. The last is 31/6 two with ETS wiring remain.

Top speed was originally 90mph, continues traction was 23.5 mph and weights 106-111 tons.

The Class 33 was built between 1960-61 at Birmingham BRCW/SULZER Bo-Bo Speed 85mph and weights were lighter than the Class 31's coming in at 78-78tons.

These locomotives were also originally numbered D6500-D6597 but not in order. Only 33012 still carries D6515.

33/0 Standard class has only four left, while 33/2 is one engine

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Aircraft carriers Viability. Two.

Smaller Vessels.

HMS Ocean and Albion are in the class of the smaller carrier, equiptted with more helicopters and drones than actual aircraft? The Spanish proposed Matador class carriers gave the option of both V/STOL (Vertical and short take-off and landing) aircraft in conflict and helicopters in the peace role, but one does not know if this is what the British Royal Navy would do with it ships?

There is always value in good design and it has been found that smaller targets do better in wars than the larger ones that are more vulnerable to being hit? Large carriers need more defensive weapons systems to counteract incoming missiles, where as the small targets are actually more likely to avoid being hit!

One of the big problems with smaller carriers is their limitations in aircraft availability and many studies have been made for their role not just as a carrier of six to eight own jets. But that of buddy refueling systems for larger fighters to give them extended flight over returning to their own carriers?

These smaller carriers also have the advantage as the U.S. navy has found of shock attack missions with their seals on unsuspecting targets? These operations again take advantage of modern technology such as the Predator drones doing reconnaissance and pin-point target hitting, while helicopter gunships can back up boat landing craft and transport helicopters in and out quickly!

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Construction. One.

Building Cross Rail-Elizabeth Line.

One must say that the use of the crane with telescopic or static has come to its fore, working in the tight spaces of bustling London! Most of the work being done in the capital was underground rather than later structures being build over tube stations to prove the value of land and property.

The crane has been around since man discovered we needed it to build, wither it was structures such as stone Henge to the ancient cities of the Middle-east and the great wall of China. The crane is the best was to lift heavy items, were as the pulley is more for the moving of local smaller weights.

Cross Rail and many other new underground ventures will be dominated by the crane, while the mobile telescopic has taken advantage of those 8x8 ICBM carriers for the odd and quick jobs?

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

The Motorbike. One.

A passion on two wheels!

The Motorbike has an interesting history and has been around over 100 years, its first hey day was perhaps World War-I (1914-18), when it was devised for dispatch riding and went on twenty-five years later to be an invaluable tool in military intelligence.

The concept was to motorise the bicycle and many original ideas are actually being re-invented today as we move into battery power over that of petrol. Racing bikes did develop better motorbikes between 1919-1939, but there was a plethora of makers, who took up their tooling after 1945.

Apart from the famous names of today Britain was one of the worlds leading producers and much of the 1950's technology went out to India, while the United States is most famous for the Harley. The motorbike of rockers and Hells Angel's chapters, or the road riders of many great motion movies.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Cassini to Saturn.

The 15th September.

The joint ESA/NASA Saturn probe has now come almost to the end of its ten year mission exploring the Moons of the second largest gas giant in our solar system, but the first to be seen with rings of dust and ice particles around it.

Cassini named after the 15th Century Italian astronomer who found it, has now entered into its final plunge into this gas giant. It is placed in the empty zone 1500 miles between the planet and its ring fields and is sending back some dramatic pictures of the cloud movements and polar activity not seen before.

In it tens years of exploration it was able to launch a probe to the surface of Titan the largest moon with an alien atmosphere and some really weird stuff going on down there, some of which continues to baffle the scientific community to this present time?

Volcanic activity with the possibility of organic life may lay below the 100 mile thick ice sheet of Encledes, which is spout hot water into space from its many canyons on its southern pole.

The 15th September will see it burn up in the Saturn atmosphere, which is highly radioactive and perhaps we will get a glimpse of conditions below the clouds?

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Rail and Tram Options. One.

Road-rail and Trams.

The introduction of the tram in nearly every city in Britain, has been a welcome sign of something that was lost in the 1950's. The tram was very much part of British culture in relation to its cheapness and popularity, and for many a sad loss to see go?

Today urban planning is dominated by the car, bus and coach, because they are not limited by track or overhead wiring. Many conversions are now being introduced from petrol/diesel to electric engines, which for now are claimed to reduce carbon emissions?

There is still the alternative in between form of transport, which for some unknown reason has not been tried and that is the road-rail vehicle which could offer the best of both worlds?

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Aircraft Carriers Viability. One.

Real estate at Sea.

The United States today posses the largest fleet of Nuclear powered aircraft carriers in the Nimitz class, these ships carry several hundred aircraft of various types from fighter jets, to ELINT and AWACS. They also carry a host of different helicopters from Anti-Submarine warfare ASW to medium transport and the CH-47J the latest version of the Boeing-Vertol Chinook to the CH-53.

Many other nations have smaller carriers such as Brazil, France, China, Russia, Britain, Australia and India, Spain and Italy. Some are nearly as big and nuclear, while the others are conventional diesel and have to be replenished at sea.

These ship carry up to 5000 crew, combing air arms, marines, seals, commando's with their military equipment  and vehicles than can be landed by landing craft or large transport helicopter's?

The military philosophy one would think is the same, but every nation has their own take on how to deal with the foe and these ideas have been developed over the last one-hundred years from the first British one decker's right up to the mini carrier six aircraft VTOL jump jets and six rotary wing.
Defence is provided by sophisticated missile systems both anti-aircraft, missile and ship to land such as the Tomahawks. Raptor and Predator drones along with others such as Helli star and Scout/rangers are also used to cut the risk of loosing valuable pilots in hostile territory

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

North-Korean Crises.

Intermediate Continental Ballistic Missiles.

We start off with the Nuclear capability of North-Korea as tensions build with the unstable and changeable U.S. President Trump? This is not the best of subjects to be covering at this time, but these types of missile systems are what keep the worlds communications systems and Space exploration possible?

It is hard to find accurate data for what kind of missiles N-Korea possess, but we can say that the three basic types come from the Peoples Republic of China and the former Soviet Union! China developed two types the CSS1/2 respectively from 1970/71, there ranges are 1100km to between 2500 and 4000Km.

These two systems were copies of the Soviet SS-4 Sandal medium range ballistic missile, which entered service in 1968. The Sandal was a development of the SS-3 Shyster and it was itself an upgrade of captured Nazi-German V-2's.

The third system is the former Soviet Unions SA-4/5 Guideline/Gammon which was widely exported and is an air defence missile system. The wheeled and track carriers seen are all based around the former Soviet and Chinese versions of the SS-14 Scapegoat carried on the Iron Maiden Chariot. These have a range of 4000Km plus and are capable of launching a 1.5 tonne Nuclear warhead, where the CSS-1/2 up to a one tonne warhead.

We must not underestimate them after their failed launch, because it is estimated that in every one-hundred U.S. missiles fired only forty will actually launch.

N-Korean targets, will be Seoul in S-Korea, Tokyo in Japan, the U.S. Marshall Islands and Hawaii islands!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Arms Sales!

Big Business?

There has always been money in weapons from the ancient world right up to the present and the future? Many world conflicts were won through by a third party supplying the appropriate weapons system, from daggers to siege engines to ships and cavalry of one type or another?

One must not think that humans in the past were limited to the types of weapons that could be constructed, because wood was the main source of building material many strange devices were invented to get over walls and to fire pitch or rocks at fortified cities! While many ships were well capable of landing an army with horses, but some where also fitted with catapults, copies of their various land equivalents.

Today we have technology based in the invention of electricity, which powers machines to create machines of the various types land, air, sea and now Space. They say that investing in the arms industry always gives a good return, because there is always a demand for more guns, tanks, fighter aircraft and ships, if not missiles of the various types?

There are also many conflicts around the world some that the media is fixated on, while many more we ever hardly ever or never hear about?

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Boris Bus.

London Transport Withdrawals.

The concept of the so called Boris bus/Wrightbus New Route Master (2013) was a good idea at the time, but it was soon found to have two serious flaws? Planned as a reintroduction of the famous RM RML series in modern service it promised London charm and the Mayor of London Boris Johnson believed it would impact on a rise in tourism?

The first flaw was the open deck-stairwell at the rear, allowing Oyster card holders to jump the fares to the rear and upper deck. The second was that the back of the bus upstairs having no rear window made it very dark, the problem was the expense to rectify and thus it was decided that it was cheaper to replace them from this year.

London transport has opted for an Italian Electric bus instead which is more environmentally friendly, after the initial trials of ten this is now to be massed introduced!

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Moon base and Mars Mission?

U.S. President DJ Trump Promises?

Within his term the U.S. will reach for the stars again, just like John F. Kennedy did in the 1960's? Then we now know was a hit and miss affair, hopefully this time science will be applied with quality engineering and safety in mind?

Why do humans want to go the stars?

Finding life is one reason the other is the adventure and self-achievement of what we can do? But there is a third reason and that is of mining rare minerals and other new found properties, which will be of great value back here on Earth.

Have we got the technology to send people to a base on the Moon?

Conditions would be similar to the Antarctica snow bases, but oxygen supplies would be an issue on the other hand a Mars mission already tested in Russia on a ground station lead to several of the crew suffering some serious psychological issues.

The answer to Mars is that we will need to get familiar with living on the Moon first, as with the years of the various Space stations up to the International ISS?

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

British Royal navy Decline?

Unseen Navy?

Living by the sea, one has the advantage of seeing many kinds of ships and vessels of various types passing by, apart from the wildlife and the carry on of people? Over the years one has noticed a dramatic decline in British Royal naval ships in our waters?

(Thank You for sending HMS SMITER from Padstow in Cornwall).

There are various news items that report that our navy is shrinking, because of costs? Perhaps because Britain still has many rocks and islands around the world to protect so much of the navy is now spread apart to thinly to be of any real effect?

NATO Perhaps has seen its day in relation to the current U.S. administrations unpredictability or our ships have become more powerful, so we need less of them to be physically seen?

Farm Machinery. Two.

Sophistication and the Robotic Age?

Most of the new machines of various type coming on to the market are now built for one role, thus the days of the common tractor may be coming to an end? Over the last one-hundred and fifty years the need for labourers has gone down from 50 to 5 on most farms.

The steam engine began the mechanised decline and this was followed by the ever increasing size of the fields in Europe. Today we are entering the driver less car and soon the farm machine will follow, with the operator working from the laptop in their home.

What started off as a game, will soon become a reality in robotic farming. What of the machines, well perhaps all will be repaired by themselves, even cutting out humans? But the updating and programming will remain a human intervention for some time yet?

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

New trains for the U.K.

Class 700/707 and the Virgin Azuma.

A new fleet is underway for delivery in the Class 700 for Thames-Link and the 707 for South-West trains from their initial first batch trials from 2015.

Both of these classes belong to the German Seimans Desiro City mobility design. Thames-Link has received fifty-five, 12 car and 60, eight car units, while SW-Trains has 30, five car units. It is estimated that these trains in peak hour traffic will move 18,000 people.

The trains have some of the London Underground features such as walk-through. This new concept has proved to be very effective in cutting down crime, the train is also level for wheel chair access.

Meanwhile Virgin Trains have invested 140 million pounds in their new Japanese Hitachi Azuma high-speed stock, for east-coast operations. Azuma is Japanese for east, in 1964 Hitachi built the first Bullet train.

Virgin claims that the Azuma has a top speed of 140 mph, but o-to 60 is much faster than it current fleet, meaning that Kings Cross London to Scotland will knock off 30-minutes on the existing times?

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Mikoyan-Gurevich. MIG-15. Part-Two.

Extensive Training Aircraft.

Many of the worlds air forces can boast today that it was the Midget (NATO-Codename) that got them where they are. This aircraft saw some twenty years as a front line fighter, before being moved on the roles of counter attack and advanced trainer.

Over eighty-seven countries received the type and it became the basis for Jet aviation production in the Peoples Republic of China, North-Korea, and a few other countries around the globe. The Soviet Union quickly revealed to the west the next generation the MIG-17/19, for a time it was not known if they were the same aircraft?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

N-Korea, Cuba and one or two other countries still may be flying the Midget in both counter attack and advanced training, since there are so many sanctions placed on them?              

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Farm Machinery. One.

Not getting any Smaller.

The concept in farm machinery is to cut out the need for farm labour, apart from a few cases of specialist vegetable crops that have to be picked by hand? But even here the days of needing a human picker are fading too, to be replaced by the gentle hand robotics?

The other reason is the size of fields today are far much bigger than they were seventy years ago, this is because of the removing of the traditional ditches. Machines today can do eighteen drill ploughing over that of the conventional four on most small tractors.

Most of the new farming machines have nearly everything in their cabs, but not yet a bed? Computerised and heated they can work both day and night to sow and to reap, depending on the time of the year. Costs are astronomical for these new beats going into the millions in some cases, one has to wonder that there must be still money in farming?

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-15. Part-One.

First Soviet era Jet Fighter.

The MIG-15 Midget was the Communist's world first exported jet fighter that made money for the former Soviet Union (Russia). This jet powered the  Russian copy of the Rolls-Royce Nene was faster than U.S. jets during the Korean wars.

The type was exported to over sixty-five countries as both a combat jet and later an advanced trainer, there were also several licence built versions in China, India and Poland where it was known as the LIM-2.

Despite its size and limitations compared to types today, back in the late-forties and 1950's it was a state of the art machine. This was the face of Soviet aviation for the world to see and a whole series would follow of new types, MIG-17/19/21.

But the more serious and dangerous types of Soviet jets remained hidden for years from western-eyes?

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Alternative Energy.

Diesel and bio-Fuel.

Most of the machines that are working today around the world are operated by Diesel engines, until recently this was thought to be the best performance fuel over that of petrol?

Many nations want to use alternative energy over that of the fossil fuels of coal, gas and oil, but two factors come to the fore?

One cost and two much of what we have in alternative energy will not power the plethora of machines in existence around the world?

When Diesel invented his first engine it was powered by peanut oil and this has lead to much research into various forms of bio-fuel mixtures, lead by the aviation industry! Cost is the main factor in the production of hybrids other than motor cars and it may be some time before we will get over our new pollution problems?

Electric engines are and can be made across the board in relation to the railways, the main problems is again cost as in the GWR Padding to Swansea plan being cancelled in the U.K. The other is that third rail is susceptible to the weather from slipping leaf fall to frost, ice and snow fall?

Britains New Trains.

Sleek Speed.

Progress is all about getting from A to B/Z faster and in more comfort and so it would seem that the introduction of newer stock is required to do this? Many people who use the trains on a regular bases across mainland U.K. are frustrated with the rise in fares and lack of comfort to get a seat?

Over the years much misinformation has been passed to the media over several issues such as the need of no guards on trains and the availability of stock in certain areas? Much of this is based around costs and the loss of lucrative profits?

Other issues not only with trains, but also buses has been that of making space available for disabled people? This will require a massive change of attitudes to end the despising of the disabled and older folks, while also investing in modernising infrastructure and making everything level?

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

New Life. Part-Two.

Price of metals fall and Rise?

This is one of the major problems with the recycling process, the cost of metals? But there remains a high demand for old metal and spare parts for all those classic cars out there, with much encouragement to rebuild old motors?

Today in the age of the throw away there is now a demand for retro-era machines, because they do last longer and do the same job as efficiently without the tech!

in some aspects this has worked for ships, aircraft and locomotives, but their problem is the coating of asbestos and that is why so many diesel trains are in the slow progress of being scrapped?

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Happy New Year?

New Technology!

2017 Promises the demise of the faithful and cheaper Diesel engine in automobiles, because it seems to be the cause of Global Warming and carbon monoxide poising in our urban environments? NASA claims that the new electro engine will replace the jet engine in all aspects when it is introduces (No dates given)?

There is much debate about the digital age entering every aspect of our lives from the Amazon Echo Dot to automated driving and the first robots for domestic service? But Amazon has been caught out by its Echo Dot, after it recorded a murder in the U.S. This has put off sales of the device, because of its eves dropping ability and that instead of storing information within its self, the data goes to a central computer the United States for analysis and processing!

It will be design that will again shape visually what we see in the machine world, from vehicles to trains, aircraft and shipping. It is unclear at this time why China has dropped its mass transit 300 seat mover, perhaps the need to turn a corner may be one of many factors as well as the cost and limited sales potential?

Construction and farming machinery are being revolutionised by cutting the need for less human activity. One man operation covering a whole host of tasks, instead of having several different machines for each one?

Speed remains the target market in the luxury car and motor-bike world, but it is China who have developed the fold-away electric bike as seen in the recent Guy Martin in China programme!

The new U.S. Administration is promising not only a new arms industry race, but new exploration and development in Space? Reaching for the stars to mine the Asteroid belt is also now back on the cards?

Much of what we take for granted in our homes today from gadgets to medicine, were developed in space over the last twenty years or so!