
Thursday 28 December 2017

Specialist Police Vehicles. Two.

Radioactive, biological and Chemical.

We are living in the age of International terrorism and the growing threat of the use of a dirty bomb on the British mainland is ever nearing the day? The Police use many dedicated vehicles in their various lines of work, we are seeing an increase of their deployments on our TV's because of the more reported incidents?

Some seem to be traffic incidents, but may be more sinister that they seem, much training is underway by the emergency services in preparation for another mass casualty attack such as the terrible events of Manchester earlier this year!

The role of the Police is changing from Guardians of the peace and keeping the peace to that of dealing, if not eventually be armed because of religious inspired terror and enhanced criminal activity with acid and other toxic substances!

New vehicles will need to be developed alongside existing ones to deal with the excessive cuts and the rising situations?

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