
Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Off to War Again?

HMS Queen Elizabeth is Preparing?

It looks as if we here in the U.K. are off to was with N-Korea soon, one thought it was going to be Russia? But it looks like we will have to support the U.S. President Trump and His U.S. forces in the far-east?

Britain was involved in the first Korean peninsula war, which brought about N and S-Korea, at the cost of 20% loss of Korean lives! The North-Korean leader is portrayed in the Western media as mad, but the reality is far from that claim!

The British Royal Navy will be putting our new aircraft to the test in the China sea and joining other NATO forces. One hopes that neither China nor Russia get involved in military action, but rather diplomatic roles?

This new carrier will prove itself with the Lockheed Martin F-35 deployment, and its range of BAE Missile systems, because it may get battered from N-Korean defence systems? It is not clear what Britain's role in this war is to be as yet?

The U.S has threatened a Nuclear strike, the first since 1945 in the region! The great dangers, will be if Iran, Pakistan get involved? It is estimated that thirty-one million people will die and a further ten to fifteen million suffer from the radiation fall out?

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