
Tuesday 5 September 2017

Last days of Cassini!

Space, 'Big Bucks?

It will be the travelling into inner space in the next fifty years that will encourage big bucks and business for Virgin and the many who will follow with their Space planes?

Robotic Space craft Cassini is now ending its life travelling around the gas giant Saturn and its rings for the last fourteen years, before it makes the final death plunge on the 15th of September?  It was one of a series of probes which has lead the way to the New Horizons to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, and Juno has now arrived at Jupiter to make an in depth study of this gas giant the largest planet in our Solar System.

A new rover is planned to visit Venus and another Robotic car for Mars, which will tell us if it is really viable to have a human occupied base there? Humanity is a curios species, we have always like to know what was over the hill and that is how we have spread out across Earth!

Human settlement for the Moon and Mars is the goals for this century, but mining will probably we one of the ultimate goals for our race, as we move more and more into the computer age?

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