
Saturday 22 June 2024


 Sales are down since October 7th 2023!

After Iranian backed terrorist used these machines to carry out the worst attack on Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust in 1945, demand for the types have come under more scrutiny and more so in the United States?

What was a pleasure experience has now become a weapon and many smaller nations are using these type for various roles, some armed, others working in teams to isolate various threats and also training pilots!

We don't hear much anymore about them and many have moved back over to gliders for the thrill of flight, rather than be accused of scarring people as one or more incidents were reported in the west-midlands last year!

Sunday 2 June 2024

Airbus A320/321Neo's

 With the Embraer E190/95?

They are both moving ahead and taking the Aviation market off Boeing and all of its problems with the 737 MAX-8/9/10, despite them all flying and many are safe to a point many are not and fleets are being stood down over bad build and safety!

But Airbus is filling the market place with their Neo versions of synthetic fuels and other upgrades making the successful A320 into the A321N and this will fill the gap for many Boeing operators?

Embraer of the other hand is fulfilling the Domestic market for a short landing capability and semi-electric powered engines with their new generation of E190/95E and these planes are becoming more popular than the Airbus A319 Baby Bus.

Airbus has now flooded the U.S. with the A330-200/900 and the A220-100/200, something that the former U.S. President Trump tried to stop?

Saturday 18 May 2024

Wales National Air Show 2024.

 6th and 7th July What to Expect?

Apart from the red arrows and the regulars, it all depends on what will arrive on the respective days both new and vintage.

The RAF Typhoon fighter jet is a popular, but there is also much to seen on the ground from the armed forces, food stalls, other and bands with a funfair on the coast!

It is a real family event and its is for everyone, parking is plenty and many roads will be closed off, while it is generally free and one hopes that the weather will hold so it will be a good weekend!

Sunday 25 February 2024

Red Sea Crises?

 Fuel at the petrol pump Rises?

Another Middle-East situation that has the potential to spread through the region, because the U.S. administration will not deal with Iran in the right way wither over the situation in Israel or proxy attacks on its own forces across the region!

Ships are being sunk, up to three have already been abandoned to the elements and one has gone down, but there remains no let up in the threats by the Houthis and despite bombing raids this weekend they will not give in?

Eventually the price at the pump will go up as shortages will come to the fore if Iran directly blocks the straits of Hormuz between Oman and Itself, causing a world crises that the International community will have to go to war with!

Friday 19 January 2024

Model Rail being priced out!

 Too expensive Hobby?

The love of this at one time very popular hobby is now being priced out once more to make the forte of the rich and many businesses are closing because people are no longer buying new over priced models, even in the second-hand market prices are rising beyond the wise means of people living in an ever changing economic crises!

New models or train sets can set one back up to nine hundred pounds and basic are now all well over one-hundred pounds, putting young people off, when they can live in the virtual world of railroad games and building your own imaginary word?

All the manufacturers are guilty of the price hike, once they claimed that China would reduce the prices true or not they have made all the excuses to price the new generations out and a mass loss of sales this past Christmas proved true!

Saturday 13 January 2024

Boeing in trouble Again?

 Boeing 737-MAX-8.

Bad workmanship is believed to be behind the Air Alaska panel blow out that could have seen a child sucked out of the aircraft and killed!

Now over 171 of the type have been grounded for inspection world-wide and all of the type is reporting bad construction, this comes as a blow for the company as it unveils new aircraft the VS-1/2 that incorporates a new thinner wing, the introduction of the Boeing 777X and the re-introduction of the Boeing 747-8.

With sales that are returning to what they once were and the slacking off of its main competition Airbus, despite the improved sales on the A350-1000 and the smaller A220-300 no real new aircraft are coming to the fore?

But now with this manufacturing problem others like Embraer will take the market off the big two?