
Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Rebellion has Began!

 Less than six years to all Electric?

The way are government is going at the moment, it take one to be an complete idiot to see that this is not possible and going against the peoples will over Brexit, does not mean he can do what he likes, unless there is to be a vehicle rebellion across the U.K.

The rich Labor party is not dictating freedom, but rather you have to do what we say or be without electric transport?

Currently even the best electric vehicles have some serious issues of over heating in summer weather and have to cool down after a hundred miles of travelling, since we as yet have not found a alternative to the lithium battery and all the problems that go with it?

The other is that not everyone can afford a new car and low carbon vehicles are being sought, but if Starmer wants what he wants, there will have to a new type of scrapping scheme with grants for people to change from petrol to electric!

Saturday, 14 December 2024

The motorized Sled.

 Huskies only for short Trips?

Today most of the northern peoples of the polar regions, Russia, Canada, the U.S. and Denmark, apart from Norway, Finland and Japan rely more on the speed now of the motorized sled than that of dogs, and they may still be used in a traditional way for short trips!

For some time the military of the above nations have also used various vehicles for operations in snow conditions and this now includes Australia and China and a few other countries with research also being undertaken in a fast moving vehicle that is now the subject of the green revolution and conversion to both electric power and bio fuels?

What does the future hold is perhaps more of a return to the husky and reindeer to cut down on pollution for civilian operations, but not so for the military and scientists, meanwhile space exploration will need to develop a platform for robotic sleds visiting the Ice moons of the gas giants in the near future?

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Liaison Aircraft.

 Developed in 1945.

The four seat aircraft came too late at the end of world war-II, since the helicopter would replace it as was then thought, but this was proved untrue, when in the 1950's many nations developed their own and Cessna came to the fore with a series of types that met the role required.

Today the survivor of the class lays in the Cessna 172 and its variants around the world that fulfills many roles both military and civil and despite it being replaced by drones pr the larger Cessna Caravan-II it remains very popular?

Many poorer or small nations have maintained the type for civilian usage, police and training before moving on to more complicated aircraft.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

A new Frontier!

 Space Travel?

From tourism to Mars and beyond in the next one hundred years, colonies and the Internet will be superseded by new things and we might begin the mission to our nearest star in the hope of making contact with other aliens!

Will we ever get to a large Space ship is a unknown, since we do not as yet fully know how we might get through the Kuiper belt and how does gravity act outside our own Solar system?

But we will establish colonies on Mars, the Moon and some other planets, while others will be for research and science perhaps further out!

Without a new shuttle being developed, we will be limited since Space-X is not advanced as it is claimed to be and it all depends on how much money can be invested now to keep the International Space Station operating and getting updated, if not rebuilt in Space?

Saturday, 2 November 2024

No more Sci-Fi!

 Drone Warfare?

We are living in the age of drone warfare and ways to counter them, since they come in all sizes from a small aircraft to something that can be hand held and from firing a bullet to a large stand-off missile, rocket pods or bombs, right down to a grenade!

Israel is facing an onslaught from Yemen, Lebanon and now Iraq, while NATO is encouraging the Ukraine to use the basic ones on the Russians and the Iranian supplied ones on the Ukraine?

But as with all military type weapons, it will only be time before criminals and terrorists deploy them against the police and civilian targets in the U.K., U.S.A. and others, the scorpion always has a sting in its tail, and one cannot have a snake as a friend?

Saturday, 19 October 2024

Demise of motorbike Clubs!

 Possibility for Wales?

A revival is underway as an appeal for younger people is made to give up the computer games for the real thing of riding with the oldies on the roads of Wales and the SW-England too!

But will they come out and join the throng and keep something of a tradition going or not?

Apart from the thrill of riding, there also comes years of experience and tips on every area of the subject, if not to get to ride others bikes, cheap spare parts and supplies if not much more in chat and friendships that will last a life-time!

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Buses and Coaches!

 Disabled Access?

We tend to think and lump together the disabled to specialist vehicles, rather than the ordinary fleets that serve towns and cities across the U.K., because of lack of investment!

Most vehicles are designed for the able bodied and they are up to day with technology and comfort, but they are limited to wheelchair access and other to deal or share with those who are disabled?

We want and claim from time to time that we live in an equal society, but that is not true if you are in a wheelchair or struggle to walk or move in a able way!

The lack of investment is common in all forms of transport and yet crossing into Europe it is a different attitude, with provision being made for all on a equal basis and an ever improving set of vehicles and fleets of all type of transport!

Saturday, 21 September 2024

British sanctions on Israel!

 IDF Update their F-15 fighter-bomber fleet for 2029.

Starmer and Lammy believed they were or are doing the right thing in support of two-state solution that neither side wants in the Middle-East and these sanctions sad as they are has only lead to Israel upgrading its F-15 fleet, expected to be completed by 2029.

The McDonnel-Douglas F-15 Eagle has now a long service history with the United States Air Force and Israel and remains a very effective long rage capable fighter-bomber! 

Conceived in the late 1960's the type was side-lined for the F-4 Phantom, but by the time the Soviets had developed the MiG-25 Foxbat, the treat to NATO had escalated and the F-111 was not able to do what the Russians could, so the F-15 went into serious production, being supplied to Japan and Saudi-Arabia.

With a ceiling of 80,000+ feet she could match the Russians and a speed MACH 2.5 and a radius of 4600 Km it was ideal fro long missions that has suited Israel in the Middle-East region

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Wales-Swansea Bay Air Show 2024. Part-Two.

 Westland Wasp.

The second vintage visitor to the Swansea Bay Airshow was the Westland Helicopter, the Wasp was the naval version of the British Army Scout and was used initially for general purpose duties and introduced in 1962, while entering service in 1963, since the potential in naval operations was much needed during the Cold War years!

She could be fitted with two Mk44 torpedoes, but trials following were to upgrade from HAS.1 to more of anti-submarine warfare and the first sixty machines were deployed on various frigates and other shipping across the Royal Navy,

Later over one-hundred machines were fitted with the French AS.11/12 missile systems and other equipment, forty were sold to South-Africa and eleven to its navy, another seventeen went to Brazil.

By 1978 in British service, they were being replaced by the Lynx helicopters and despite this these three to six manned machines remained in service into the 1980;s when they were withdrawn.

Wales-Swansea Bay Air Show 2024. Part-One.

 Fairy Swordfish-II.

A vintage visitor to Swansea this aircraft was conceived in 1933 and was much needed in 1939 on the out break of World War-II (1939-45), she was a bi-plane and stood her ground beside the famous Spitfires and Hurricanes on many an airfield.

Yet she was a torpedo bomber and came into her own right serving on the aircraft carriers HMS Ark Royal, Courageous, Eagle, Furious and Glorious, despite looking old of another era she was well capable for the task in hand and could armed with various machine guns and bomb pods, despite still carrying a 730 Kg torpedo.

Operational from 1936 with the RAF and Fleet Air Arm she claimed her first success in 1943 destroying Nazi-German U-boat U64 in the Atlantic ocean, despite an open cockpit and suffering weather the crews fought on with determination against a vile enemy!

Some aircraft were fitted with floats, others with a catapult and the first enclosed cabin came on the Canadian Mk4 

After the war the type continues to operate in Canada, China and Brazil and were eventually phased out for improved types.

Saturday, 22 June 2024


 Sales are down since October 7th 2023!

After Iranian backed terrorist used these machines to carry out the worst attack on Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust in 1945, demand for the types have come under more scrutiny and more so in the United States?

What was a pleasure experience has now become a weapon and many smaller nations are using these type for various roles, some armed, others working in teams to isolate various threats and also training pilots!

We don't hear much anymore about them and many have moved back over to gliders for the thrill of flight, rather than be accused of scarring people as one or more incidents were reported in the west-midlands last year!

Sunday, 2 June 2024

Airbus A320/321Neo's

 With the Embraer E190/95?

They are both moving ahead and taking the Aviation market off Boeing and all of its problems with the 737 MAX-8/9/10, despite them all flying and many are safe to a point many are not and fleets are being stood down over bad build and safety!

But Airbus is filling the market place with their Neo versions of synthetic fuels and other upgrades making the successful A320 into the A321N and this will fill the gap for many Boeing operators?

Embraer of the other hand is fulfilling the Domestic market for a short landing capability and semi-electric powered engines with their new generation of E190/95E and these planes are becoming more popular than the Airbus A319 Baby Bus.

Airbus has now flooded the U.S. with the A330-200/900 and the A220-100/200, something that the former U.S. President Trump tried to stop?

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Wales National Air Show 2024.

 6th and 7th July What to Expect?

Apart from the red arrows and the regulars, it all depends on what will arrive on the respective days both new and vintage.

The RAF Typhoon fighter jet is a popular, but there is also much to seen on the ground from the armed forces, food stalls, other and bands with a funfair on the coast!

It is a real family event and its is for everyone, parking is plenty and many roads will be closed off, while it is generally free and one hopes that the weather will hold so it will be a good weekend!

Sunday, 25 February 2024

Red Sea Crises?

 Fuel at the petrol pump Rises?

Another Middle-East situation that has the potential to spread through the region, because the U.S. administration will not deal with Iran in the right way wither over the situation in Israel or proxy attacks on its own forces across the region!

Ships are being sunk, up to three have already been abandoned to the elements and one has gone down, but there remains no let up in the threats by the Houthis and despite bombing raids this weekend they will not give in?

Eventually the price at the pump will go up as shortages will come to the fore if Iran directly blocks the straits of Hormuz between Oman and Itself, causing a world crises that the International community will have to go to war with!

Friday, 19 January 2024

Model Rail being priced out!

 Too expensive Hobby?

The love of this at one time very popular hobby is now being priced out once more to make the forte of the rich and many businesses are closing because people are no longer buying new over priced models, even in the second-hand market prices are rising beyond the wise means of people living in an ever changing economic crises!

New models or train sets can set one back up to nine hundred pounds and basic are now all well over one-hundred pounds, putting young people off, when they can live in the virtual world of railroad games and building your own imaginary word?

All the manufacturers are guilty of the price hike, once they claimed that China would reduce the prices true or not they have made all the excuses to price the new generations out and a mass loss of sales this past Christmas proved true!

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Boeing in trouble Again?

 Boeing 737-MAX-8.

Bad workmanship is believed to be behind the Air Alaska panel blow out that could have seen a child sucked out of the aircraft and killed!

Now over 171 of the type have been grounded for inspection world-wide and all of the type is reporting bad construction, this comes as a blow for the company as it unveils new aircraft the VS-1/2 that incorporates a new thinner wing, the introduction of the Boeing 777X and the re-introduction of the Boeing 747-8.

With sales that are returning to what they once were and the slacking off of its main competition Airbus, despite the improved sales on the A350-1000 and the smaller A220-300 no real new aircraft are coming to the fore?

But now with this manufacturing problem others like Embraer will take the market off the big two?