
Sunday 2 June 2024

Airbus A320/321Neo's

 With the Embraer E190/95?

They are both moving ahead and taking the Aviation market off Boeing and all of its problems with the 737 MAX-8/9/10, despite them all flying and many are safe to a point many are not and fleets are being stood down over bad build and safety!

But Airbus is filling the market place with their Neo versions of synthetic fuels and other upgrades making the successful A320 into the A321N and this will fill the gap for many Boeing operators?

Embraer of the other hand is fulfilling the Domestic market for a short landing capability and semi-electric powered engines with their new generation of E190/95E and these planes are becoming more popular than the Airbus A319 Baby Bus.

Airbus has now flooded the U.S. with the A330-200/900 and the A220-100/200, something that the former U.S. President Trump tried to stop?

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