
Saturday 13 January 2024

Boeing in trouble Again?

 Boeing 737-MAX-8.

Bad workmanship is believed to be behind the Air Alaska panel blow out that could have seen a child sucked out of the aircraft and killed!

Now over 171 of the type have been grounded for inspection world-wide and all of the type is reporting bad construction, this comes as a blow for the company as it unveils new aircraft the VS-1/2 that incorporates a new thinner wing, the introduction of the Boeing 777X and the re-introduction of the Boeing 747-8.

With sales that are returning to what they once were and the slacking off of its main competition Airbus, despite the improved sales on the A350-1000 and the smaller A220-300 no real new aircraft are coming to the fore?

But now with this manufacturing problem others like Embraer will take the market off the big two?

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