
Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Worlds top five ever produced civil Aircraft

 DC-3/C-47, Boeing 727/737 series, Airbus A320 series and the Cessna -172.

These are the top five produced aircraft in the civil realm, the Douglas DC-3 was introduced in 1935 and over 20,000 were built as the C-47 between 1939-45 and under license in Russia and China were up to another twenty-thousand where also built?

This mostly wooden transport was used widely after 1945 up to the 1990's by some world air forces for parachute training and counter measures as in South-Africa and Israel respectively.

With the advent of the Jet age Boeing has held the market with the 7 series fleet, but only the 727 and 737 were the most ever built of any of their types, today possibly the 777-787 may catch up. Domestic flying was popular in the U.S. between 1960 and 1980 so both types met the need 1700 to 23,000 have been built, with many 727-200 today still flying as private jets!

The Airbus A320/218/19 and the new neo versions are now taking the market off Boeing for the 21st Century, these types have a wide range of seating to distance and they are being purchased at a tremendous rate by up and coming nations.

Last the Cessna-172 4 seat light aircraft has held its ground in the aviation world since it was introduced in 1947. Used in the liaison role it has succeeded where many similar types have failed, it is used both as a civil and military supply, postal, and air ambulance as well as missionary work in Africa and Indonesia!

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

What is next for Sir Richard Branston?

 Is space his final Frontier?

When you are super rich one can ones fantasies fulfilled both Musk and Bezos are doing their own things to get humans to the Moon and Mars if not further afield?

Touching space tourism will bring in the bucks for perhaps the next twenty years, but eventually this market will dry up, so one has to wonder what Mr. Branston has in mind for his next venture and will it be in space or maybe under the oceans?

Virgin Atlantic has been hit by Covid-19 and the rail franchises don't really make the money they once did, same reason this Pandemic!

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Next Generation Electric!

 Better transport Requirements?

This new generation of electric vehicles brings with it great promises of better things and yet Tesla is still having driverless collisions and fatalities?

But design and electrical improvements with docking stations are becoming more popular in England and Wales, but for some what we have and is to come is still not enough and one would have to agree that every petrol station should have a docking facility!

Trucks and buses are now very much to be seen across the country and more are on the way with hydrogen gas and electric on a par with each other in mixed fleets, even rail is starting to adapt to the option of gas powered trains alongside battery ones.

British Ajax Series!

 Britain's new MBT and Vehicles Generation.

All is running late and many difficulties lay ahead as the U.K. launches its new generational military hardware, some of the vehicles meet a more robust format, but the new tank does not so the media reports, it is behind, but the existing equipment is still sufficient for operational use!

It is not known at this time if there will be any foreign sales in the pipe-line for the Ajax series, but nations that have bought British before may continue to buy, unless they are lured away now by the plethora of similar on the world arms market?

Apart from the tracked MBT all the other vehicles are wheeled and are fitted with a newer type of gas cell constructed wheels that allow the machines to continue working with the self sealing punctures!

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


 Greatest developments so Far!

Shipping is now slowly moving from electro-diesel to all electric power, with more ease than expected, Norway, and South-Korea are leading the way from island ferries to container shipping. It is kind of ironic that a crude oil tanker be powered by an electric engine?

Governments are desperate to cut the elusive carbon emissions, but this is a world political choice that all are following at this time and so much is seemingly appearing to be done, while it is not known how much carbon is burned every time a rocket is launched into Space?

Icebreakers, military warships and submarines continue to be built and powered along with aircraft carriers by nuclear engines, which produce steam to drive conventional engines that remain semi-Diesel and no changes are being planned for the rest of the fleet smaller vessels?

Aviation Changing?

 Despite the dreaded COVID!

Aircraft with no windows and head up displays look like a new future, but will the public go with it and why do we need it anyway?

Both Boeing and Airbus seem determined to go this way in their new project aircraft that will replace many current designs operating now! But not all companies are doing this but will rather stay with the conventional concepts?

One reason maybe to do with the more delta wing concepts of the electric engine powered aircraft, if they ever become a reality? 

KLM is leading the way with a one-third mock up that can fly of this new aerodynamic design, but the U.S. is working on a new supersonic project and other nations are trying to develop semi space flight aircraft more for commercial flying than the current projects for space tourism!

Wales National Airshow 2021 Cancelled!

 A lift for south-Wales Lost?

Everyone was hoping it would be back, but we have to be wise with this virus, since we are not out of the woods yet and many other issues may be related to it being cancelled?

But the armed forces recruitment show will be back in years to come with its varied menu of many aviation, RNLI, Search and rescue and the good food and music, funfair and much more to give to us a much needed lift!

Swansea Bay is probably the best venue in the U.K. apart from Belfast lough for such a spectacular show, when the red arrows do their loved things and other jets too like to show off?

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

One hundred Starships?

 Elon Musk Claims!

The space race is now moving at a very fast pace, as the world could be on the brink of a Nuclear war and mass devastation?

China, India, the U.A.E. and the U.S. have all made it to mars with their various probes, rovers and a helicopter and much has been seen that NASA do not even want to explain, perhaps life of some type over that of minerals and diamonds and many other unknown reasons why the U.S. keep going back?

Musk believes that we are now ready to build over one hundred starships to visit every corner of our Solar System, if not to get out to the fringes of the the Ort cloud, but China is also planning probe mission to the same region?

Space station activity is on the rise as Russia pulls out in 2025 of the ISS for their own new super Mir and China has sent the first component of their new station up, apart for the plans to construct a joint Chinese -Russian Moon base?

Even the U.S. is now announcing new projects on the same lines of a new Lunar base and Space station ?

Palestinian Rockets.

 Unguided Projectiles?

Many terrorists grouping world wide have a history in using unguided rockets and mortar tubes in their attacks in the name of liberation?  

Meanwhile many people across the world will have sympathy for the self determination of being occupied by a foreign power Israel, forgetting that some thirty years ago the IRA fired mortars at No:10 downing street for their liberation from protestant imperial occupation?

What are these rockets and where do they come from in the case of the Palestinians, Iran and N-Korea, paid with by European Union medical aid, for the IRA it was home made pipes copied from Libyan supplied armaments.

In other parts of the world, Abu-Sa'if used captured U.S. equipment and so it is the same worldwide, but mainstream armies also use rocket artillery Russia being a world leader in the development of the original Kaytushka in the the BM-series which is still in production, the U.S and NATO were late into rocket artillery, and yet they had some of the first systems?

Ancient China was the first known to use rockets in their warfare and put fear into their enemies, with gunpowder mixtures, but today anything from shrapnel, ball bearings to high explosives can be used and some have either nuclear shell casing or material than can be cause of serious burns and various illnesses, if not also biological viruses? 

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Trucking and Trucks.

 90% of support both civil and Military?

It has been observed that during this Pandemic our roads and motorways have been swamped with trucks supplying food and essential goods from medical supplies to machinery, that is required in the need to maintain power supply and other utilities!

It is the same in a war situation, we like to see the armor and the tech, but behind it all is a vast array of logistics, trucks pulling wagons and trailers for MBT, APC, missile and navigation tracking systems for drones and control,  ammunitions supply, medical, food and other essential units under communications and engineering?

Most civilian models today are used by the military, because they are easier to access and cheaper to run than those former dedicated types!

We see that many nations like North-Korea and the peoples republic of China operate Saab trucks, while most nations have their own industries many copy and develop on from older U.S., Soviet, British, German and French type?

The truck is the most common vehicle on our planet today and as we reach for the stars it will also be the rover supply of the future on the Moon, Mars and many other places, even our nearest neighbor one day?

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Mars and Venus?

 Wonderful Images!

The new Mars lander and helicopter are returning some wonderful images of the red planet, while Russia has allowed its Venera films to be digitized showing an alien landscape with sound and lightning!

But there is more to come in relation to Venus a probe on the way to the Sun has seen cloud breaks at night, seeing into the mountains and some surfaces that are not volcanic, meanwhile the Mars probe is cleaning up its landing site of debris and possible use of it at a later stage?

Many of the features on Mars seen by this rover are very clear and some stones look as if they were cut by hand, as in masonry, others show that they are pummas in origin from a volcano? 

But new science discoveries from Russia may be changing the long held origin of crater's from impact, to the idea that many were created by underground gas mounds that rise and push the ground up into giant mole hills before they explode throwing material several hundred meter's! 

They have also discovered that sink type holes in Northern Siberia contain compressed materials, that may also be on Mars too, and that they contain materials that are more rare and invaluable than all the oil in the Persian gulf and gas in Siberia?

Laser Cutting Machines!

 New Technology that can only be achieved with Lasers?

Many new machines, aircraft and manufacturing machines are today being created by Lasers, that could not be made in the past and so we are advancing daily to make even better things!

The problem may be in the future, after a nuclear war or a flare from the sun to knock out our computing ability, that what we have will be lost?

Lasers need a lot of tech to create them and they are complicated in their own right, without the ability to use advanced computing we could be held back over one hundred years in progression?  

Much discussion is underway to find better ways to improve what we have from industry to home printing parts?

Laser cut and print is also opening the medical world to improve on replacement bones, joints and to assist in plastic surgery and skin grafting daily new breakthroughs are being made

Jeep Wars!

 Commercial Replacements?

Today the field for the Jeep concept would seem to be limited to Range Rover, Mercedes, the Nomad and a few others in the U.S.A? 

But this is not true, there are dozens of better vehicles on the market from Spain, Israel, France and Russia, that are never mentioned on British television out of bias for friends!

The world of the utility vehicle for the armed forces, civil agencies Search & Rescue, Fire services, Ambulances, RNLI, Animal Rescue and Postal Deliveries, and a host of commercial purposes from fun to business is being fulfilled by nearly ever nation that has an automotive industry, some are adaptions of the original Willy's Jeep and others of the Land rover Defender and Shorts armored?

Israel and Spain have really gone to town in their conversions with base frame vehicles to giver the driver a full experience of being close to the ground! 

Many other designs deal with more of a practical use and yet there is also a fun element to enjoy driving?

Suez Canal?

 Shipping Limitations!

We have a new problem developing with these new super sized container ships in that of weight, once three to four vessels were required to carry this amount of containers but no more?

The Suez canal is over crowded and despite being widened it is still not enough, with plans for another to be built, to make a two way lanes this option will improve safety and increase speed! 

With ships now only getting bigger, many of the current canals may not be able to take them. unless they are enlarged?

New designs for shipping will have to be produced, as well as better training for the crews to deal with navigation?

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

The Musk Dispenser?

 Starship Window!

One recently heard and interesting interview given by the billionaire Elon Musk into why he is keen to develop his Spaceship that will allow humans access to planets, The Moon and other bodies in the Solar System and return to Earth to be reused!

He said that this time was our opportunity, in case in the nest hundred years we are knocked back by a natural disaster, nuclear war or a virus of some type. This might lead to us not being able to gain the ground that we now have?

But meanwhile with all this private venturing other contracts are underway for a new Space Shuttle, that can be updated using nano technologies and it may be in a year or two before is is un vailed to the world?

By then Musk will have an fully operational star ship system to get to the Moon and Mars, since he believes that NASA is too slow with everything it has been doing?

N.A.T.O. Testing new Hypersonic!

 Aurora is now Operational?

While we are all locked up due to the PANDEMIC, the military is testing their own version of the hypersonic engine at full power, possibly all those strange booms around London?

By the way the BAE Hawk training Jets cannot break the sound barrier and those aircraft that can leave the sound of rumbling thunder!

Russia and China are ten years ahead of us in the production and development of this new type of fighter jet, that can take two hours to cross thousands of miles from any point on the planet.

Britain and Sweden are working on more than vaccines at the moment, but have found a successor to their existing platforms with a multi-role jet, manned, un-manned and drone variants are all to be developed and deployed by 2040 

The pedal bike without a Chain?

 Bar and Cogs!

The Netherlands has come up with a cleaner bicycle, that has no chain and the Brick is much lighter stronger and in demand more so than when it came so popular one hundred years ago?

There have been many attempts made to do something new and yet this is one of if not the best yet? At the moment price is its hold back but in the years to come with the continues push for green energy it will become more affordable and many chin bikes will end up in museums?

Much more is coming our way with the push pedal power, which could lead to short distant travel using this new system, depending on weight!

Dynamo Battery!

 Better than the improved Lithium?

Its the Dutch that are starting to lead the way in future energy sources by going back into our ancient past to find simpler ways to generate a constant flow of energy and this with the wheel spinning at the right rate!

The math behind it is amazing, but it works and if we could miniaturize it we could quickly get rid of the need of the need for Lithium and other forms of older batteries?

Meanwhile the new lithium's are now becoming more and more compact, that to charge a vehicle can now be done by a battery the size of the palm of your hand.