
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Jet Trainers.

From Training to Counter-Insurgency.

We will always need aircraft of differing types to train our pilots, from simple basics to advanced flight. One of the most versatile aircraft that is available to a host of nations for both training and light attack is the Jet trainer.

The British Royal Air force and Royal Navy have the long and well tested BAE Hawk-200 Jet, this aircraft has also been adopted by the United States of America and is known as theT-45A Goshawk. France and Germany developed their own Alpha Jet, which today is newly operated by the Nigerian Air force.

Spain and Italy have also designed the Casa C-101 Avio jet and the Aermacchi MB-339. Argentina FMA IA-63 Pampa, Taiwan the AIDC AT-3, the Czech Republic Aero L-39 Albatros

Many smaller nations cannot afford the millions that a fully fledged combat jet such as the F-16 costs, so they opt for light-attack and Counter-Insurgency. What seems a mid-level machine, still has the potential to do substantial damage combined with speed. These aircraft can be fitted with a host of rockets and missiles, some can carry a 20-30mm cannon and a variety of bombs and all sorts of combinations.

Having the ability to go from a two-seat trainer to a combat role saves time and money, but of course they have their disadvantages up against the dedicated fighter combat jets.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Under water vessels and craft.

Before Irishman Hollande invented the Submarine with finances from the Irish Republican brotherhood, a fore runner of the IRA. The diving bell was really the only viable sub and we can only guess how long ago it was invented. Early records suggest the Greeks were the first, but we now understand that ancient Greek technology was only an advancement on existing ideas.

Today the Submarine in its many forms from warship to robotic craft has become an invaluable tool into research of the worlds seas, oceans and lakes. Man has gone to the Moon, planets, Mars and yet we still know very little of what lies at the bottom of the seas of our own planet.

Robotic technology was used first on the discovery of the wreck of the Titanic, the submarine has gone from the two barrel concept of Loch Ree in County Tipperary to the former Soviet class Typhoon the largest nuclear ICBM capable submarine in the world.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Still viable.

Today if you want to travel on a Monorail you only have to visit a handful of countries around the world, Germany, China, Japan, Canada, India and Dubai in the U.A.E. The concept of this form of transport was developed from two projects in 19th Century Ireland, one in Fenit, County Kerry and the other in Killiney. Co. Dublin.

There was a third project in County Donegal, some of these were not totally Monorail in their operation and function. Fenit was the first ground rail project and I believe it has been partially restored. It was to Germany that the credit for the first hanging Monorail would go.

We will not look deep into the systems at this time, but since then many nations have developed successful railways on this concept worldwide. Monorail may come into its own as are cities become more crowded this century.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


The Final Frontier.

We have all grown up with the concepts of Space, wither it is with Science fiction, Star Trek, Blake 7, Atlantis, Star gate SG-1. The realities of NASA putting the first man on the Moon 40 years ago and the various missions to the planet Mars and other planets in our Solar system.

Space travel was a regular occurrence in the United States, prior to the retirement of the ageing Space shuttle programme.

Space travel plays an important role in communications, Satellite TV, the Internet and weather. It also has many military aspects, that we know very little about accept perhaps for GPS.  Currently thirteen nations are involved in the International space station (ISS). Which one can see flying over some part of the Earth each night.

 Many schools and colleges are involved in connections daily to the astro/cosmonauts, who are on board. The ISS is the largest International gathering of co-operation between nations peacefully for some time.