
Tuesday 11 February 2014


Still viable.

Today if you want to travel on a Monorail you only have to visit a handful of countries around the world, Germany, China, Japan, Canada, India and Dubai in the U.A.E. The concept of this form of transport was developed from two projects in 19th Century Ireland, one in Fenit, County Kerry and the other in Killiney. Co. Dublin.

There was a third project in County Donegal, some of these were not totally Monorail in their operation and function. Fenit was the first ground rail project and I believe it has been partially restored. It was to Germany that the credit for the first hanging Monorail would go.

We will not look deep into the systems at this time, but since then many nations have developed successful railways on this concept worldwide. Monorail may come into its own as are cities become more crowded this century.

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