
Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Boeing 737MAX Comeback?

New computer control system Solved?

Well this is what Boeing in Seattle is saying, wither it is true is another matter! 

As seen recently with the sad crash in Pakistan, pilots do not seem to have been trained very well in handling their aircraft forgetting to let the wheels down?

It would seem to be a simple mistake, but the problem that is being encountered world-wide with new aircraft is the complexities of needing a degree in computer engineering as well as being a well trained pilot?

The danger is computers are taking away access to the over ride of manual control, since humans can do things still that machines cannot?

The 737MAX series was to be the last of this great line of type entering now into the 21st Century, but with the loss of two aircraft in Indonesia and Ethiopia and the complexities of control being lost in updating pilots to fly them this has caused major delays and a stump in production from building, painting and delivery!

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