
Wednesday 1 July 2020

Warships Part-One.

Design and concepts not much changed?

The modern warship has one advantage over all past designs and concepts and that it is now invisible on sonar, this major advance is known as stealth and it has been around since the 1980's but now it is the norm for most of the rich nations of the world!

History shows us that armour had always been part of a key element, from ancient times with shield and metal bands to having a battering ram. Through history the cannon replaced crossbows and catapults of various types and that was over four hundred years to the development of the ironclads and modern metal ships.

The layout of all current vessels is almost the same guns being now replaced by rocket and missile systems, with the addition of the helicopter deck for one or two craft! Prior to this was the extra boats needed for exploration or pillage? 

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