
Wednesday 1 July 2020


Dragon X made it to ISS!

The possibility of returning to the Moon is now on course as the vehicles needed are being having their final tests and being prepared for the 2024 window?

Of what value the return to the Moon will be is still unclear at this time, that is perhaps based around the whims of the  U.S. President and the free hand that he has given to Elon Musk to ruin humanities view of space with the array of thousands of Satellites!

One has not heard yet of when the dangerous return to Earth trip is to be made and despite this great achievement not to rely on Russia, a new Space shuttle is under development to be revealed soon!

It is much smaller to the retired ones, but it will be capable of carrying a crew of seven and will not be just for the ISS, but also Gateway that will orbit the Moon, if not direct operations to the Moon and return to Earth?

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