
Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Mars and Venus?

 Wonderful Images!

The new Mars lander and helicopter are returning some wonderful images of the red planet, while Russia has allowed its Venera films to be digitized showing an alien landscape with sound and lightning!

But there is more to come in relation to Venus a probe on the way to the Sun has seen cloud breaks at night, seeing into the mountains and some surfaces that are not volcanic, meanwhile the Mars probe is cleaning up its landing site of debris and possible use of it at a later stage?

Many of the features on Mars seen by this rover are very clear and some stones look as if they were cut by hand, as in masonry, others show that they are pummas in origin from a volcano? 

But new science discoveries from Russia may be changing the long held origin of crater's from impact, to the idea that many were created by underground gas mounds that rise and push the ground up into giant mole hills before they explode throwing material several hundred meter's! 

They have also discovered that sink type holes in Northern Siberia contain compressed materials, that may also be on Mars too, and that they contain materials that are more rare and invaluable than all the oil in the Persian gulf and gas in Siberia?

Laser Cutting Machines!

 New Technology that can only be achieved with Lasers?

Many new machines, aircraft and manufacturing machines are today being created by Lasers, that could not be made in the past and so we are advancing daily to make even better things!

The problem may be in the future, after a nuclear war or a flare from the sun to knock out our computing ability, that what we have will be lost?

Lasers need a lot of tech to create them and they are complicated in their own right, without the ability to use advanced computing we could be held back over one hundred years in progression?  

Much discussion is underway to find better ways to improve what we have from industry to home printing parts?

Laser cut and print is also opening the medical world to improve on replacement bones, joints and to assist in plastic surgery and skin grafting daily new breakthroughs are being made

Jeep Wars!

 Commercial Replacements?

Today the field for the Jeep concept would seem to be limited to Range Rover, Mercedes, the Nomad and a few others in the U.S.A? 

But this is not true, there are dozens of better vehicles on the market from Spain, Israel, France and Russia, that are never mentioned on British television out of bias for friends!

The world of the utility vehicle for the armed forces, civil agencies Search & Rescue, Fire services, Ambulances, RNLI, Animal Rescue and Postal Deliveries, and a host of commercial purposes from fun to business is being fulfilled by nearly ever nation that has an automotive industry, some are adaptions of the original Willy's Jeep and others of the Land rover Defender and Shorts armored?

Israel and Spain have really gone to town in their conversions with base frame vehicles to giver the driver a full experience of being close to the ground! 

Many other designs deal with more of a practical use and yet there is also a fun element to enjoy driving?

Suez Canal?

 Shipping Limitations!

We have a new problem developing with these new super sized container ships in that of weight, once three to four vessels were required to carry this amount of containers but no more?

The Suez canal is over crowded and despite being widened it is still not enough, with plans for another to be built, to make a two way lanes this option will improve safety and increase speed! 

With ships now only getting bigger, many of the current canals may not be able to take them. unless they are enlarged?

New designs for shipping will have to be produced, as well as better training for the crews to deal with navigation?