
Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Truckers n Trucking.

The current life-Line?

Road transport remains the essential way of moving goods around the place, between the rails and the sea ports! We may joke about white van man or woman, but much of what is being sold on-line at this time is coming through these poorly paid self-employed workers?

Throughout each country there are a host of distribution centres, some handle dry goods, electricals, while others are supermarket factories that turn out their branded products? There are also many regional medical and pharmaceutical centres that process or store essential medication and equipment!

At this time our motorways and roads are busy with the fleets of trucks that usually travel at night but now all the time. With the introduction of more electric vehicles, one supposes that in the next few years the familiar will be withdrawn and maybe even road trains might become more popular, currently one occasionally might see a funfair convoy of truck and mobile home and the Dutch truckers use split trailers?

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Cruise liners hive for Germs?

The allure of the Seas, Rivers, Lakes, Canals?

Many people enjoy that luxury cruise a once in a life time experience or an addiction to the life style?

What many people do not realise is that many of these boats have a quick turnaround of passengers or clients and despite the best efforts of the underpaid cheap labour crews to clean not all is and so the possibility of cross-infections are high!

The companies will probably be in uproar with me saying this but I know the truth, since many members of my own family have worked on shipping around the world and some of them are truly unbelievably filthy, even at the best of times!

After this SARS COV-2/COVID-19 business is over, the world will have to be a different place and separation of people will be something of an issue? Since no vaccine or cure has yet been found and this may linger for another year with what ever else is going on, a mutation of this germ is highly possible and those smoking or who have underlaying issues such as addictions to narcotics, alcohol and lung infections could or will die!

Aviation Zigzags?

Radon Scanning or map Making?

It perhaps will not be admitted by the governments, why aircraft are mapping for Radon leakage in the middle of a pandemic, but this is a fact that we are dealing with radioactivity in the atmosphere and the first thing that troubles that is radon gas leaking out of the ground!

Map making could be an added need especially over the populated areas of the country and the need to get accurate mapping in our times of high criminality and terrorist activity?

There are many areas of the world that have radon gas veins and in the event of a nuclear explosion, large amounts of this gas are released from the ground causing exposure to skin and body cancers!

Pollution levels have recently been discovered to effect this SASR-COV2/Covid-19 outbreak and the probability of ending fossil fuel burning is high on the agenda after this quarantine ends?

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Return to Mercury and Venus!

Lots going on in Space?

Recently we had a second Moon orbiting the Earth, but I think has now left and is heading away! 

It is nothing new with planets and their gravitational fields, many believe that Triton was captured by the gravity of Neptune and may be more of a minor planet such as Pluto and as we know now its many cousins (136) of them on the outer edge of our expanding Solar System!

But now we are off to Mercury and Venus once more, exploring the two inner planets may reveal that Venus is not as hot in the polar regions as once thought by the Soviet Russians who landed their rovers for eight-minutes before they melted.

Mercury has what seems to be ice or frost layers in its craters, despite being the closest object to the Sun! But these could equally be salts exposed by past bombardment?

Space X is progressing well with dockings to the International Space Station, but as yet not crewed? One more unmanned test is to be made, as the Russia claims that the U.S. is trying to capture planets in our Solar system and make them American!

If there is anyone out their, I think they will still not be bothering with our primitive world and its failure even to cooperate with millions to die from this COVID-19 Virus?

EASTER is still On!

More Air Freighters?

Most of the aircraft now flying across Europe and the Atlantic are air freighters, carrying essential equipment to combat COVID-19 which is a new plague for the 21st Century! Compared to one hundred and one years ago air travel is now far more complicated than those flimsy light bi-planes that could only carry two people and a bag of mail?

The jet engine in commercial airlines from the 1950's revolutionised air travel world-wide and with various military conversions, such as the Boeing 707 made dedicated air freight big business until the arrival of the of the 747 Jumbo in 1967-71!

Today a whole host of older aircraft fly postal and for Amazon supplies, some airlines as mentioned last time are civilian contractors for the U.S. military or Israel/N.A.T.O! Russia has its own dedicated fleets too built up from the now defunct TU-154M that had a chequered history and the newer Ilyushin Il-76 and its many newer developments!

Meanwhile many smaller propeller air craft are deployed daily, both civil and military to carry medications, sick people and other essential supplies. Helicopters are now an essential in rescue, air ambulance and police work, some may be replaced by drones and despite much promises we are not quite yet there with the big stuff?

Easter blessings to one and all!