
Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Return to Mercury and Venus!

Lots going on in Space?

Recently we had a second Moon orbiting the Earth, but I think has now left and is heading away! 

It is nothing new with planets and their gravitational fields, many believe that Triton was captured by the gravity of Neptune and may be more of a minor planet such as Pluto and as we know now its many cousins (136) of them on the outer edge of our expanding Solar System!

But now we are off to Mercury and Venus once more, exploring the two inner planets may reveal that Venus is not as hot in the polar regions as once thought by the Soviet Russians who landed their rovers for eight-minutes before they melted.

Mercury has what seems to be ice or frost layers in its craters, despite being the closest object to the Sun! But these could equally be salts exposed by past bombardment?

Space X is progressing well with dockings to the International Space Station, but as yet not crewed? One more unmanned test is to be made, as the Russia claims that the U.S. is trying to capture planets in our Solar system and make them American!

If there is anyone out their, I think they will still not be bothering with our primitive world and its failure even to cooperate with millions to die from this COVID-19 Virus?

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