
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Modern Military Armour?

Since 2001 Decline of Information!

The worlds armour of today has become more technical than it ever was before, many new developments for the U.S./British Abrams/Challenger MBT (Main battle Tank) is now standard in all new armour and the world of the robotic drone is coming to the fore on the battlefield as much as in air power?

Automated drones will save the lives of soldiers in difficult places, but to what extent these vehicles are being deployed is not known! 

Most wars being fought today against militants in the Middle-East and C-Asia are light pick-ups known as ''Technicals'' and these are so light that aerial drones can pick them off the field!

Armour protection with Kevlar and many new materials are being deployed, but upgraded vehicles are nearly always based on existing system's !

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