
Tuesday 27 March 2018

The Elizabeth Line. Part-One,

Cross Rail.

This ambitious railway project is near completion, but it is already out of date due to the even higher demands on the rail, under and over ground for London! It is estimated that by 2040, even with all the planned extensions of existing lines this will still not meet the requirements for travel?

What is needed is business with vision as was the case in the 19thCentury, but perhaps if Brexit happens we will not get the proper allocation of E.U funding that is being combined now?

The Elizabeth line facilitates east to west travel, but the idea of a north to south is also being considered?

It is only with time that we will see all the pitfalls and good points of this new project, London has so much to offer with existing out of service lines that could be brought back into service and it has much potential if only the greedy could see a way forward instead of bickering?

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