
Tuesday 31 January 2017

Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-15. Part-One.

First Soviet era Jet Fighter.

The MIG-15 Midget was the Communist's world first exported jet fighter that made money for the former Soviet Union (Russia). This jet powered the  Russian copy of the Rolls-Royce Nene was faster than U.S. jets during the Korean wars.

The type was exported to over sixty-five countries as both a combat jet and later an advanced trainer, there were also several licence built versions in China, India and Poland where it was known as the LIM-2.

Despite its size and limitations compared to types today, back in the late-forties and 1950's it was a state of the art machine. This was the face of Soviet aviation for the world to see and a whole series would follow of new types, MIG-17/19/21.

But the more serious and dangerous types of Soviet jets remained hidden for years from western-eyes?

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Alternative Energy.

Diesel and bio-Fuel.

Most of the machines that are working today around the world are operated by Diesel engines, until recently this was thought to be the best performance fuel over that of petrol?

Many nations want to use alternative energy over that of the fossil fuels of coal, gas and oil, but two factors come to the fore?

One cost and two much of what we have in alternative energy will not power the plethora of machines in existence around the world?

When Diesel invented his first engine it was powered by peanut oil and this has lead to much research into various forms of bio-fuel mixtures, lead by the aviation industry! Cost is the main factor in the production of hybrids other than motor cars and it may be some time before we will get over our new pollution problems?

Electric engines are and can be made across the board in relation to the railways, the main problems is again cost as in the GWR Padding to Swansea plan being cancelled in the U.K. The other is that third rail is susceptible to the weather from slipping leaf fall to frost, ice and snow fall?

Britains New Trains.

Sleek Speed.

Progress is all about getting from A to B/Z faster and in more comfort and so it would seem that the introduction of newer stock is required to do this? Many people who use the trains on a regular bases across mainland U.K. are frustrated with the rise in fares and lack of comfort to get a seat?

Over the years much misinformation has been passed to the media over several issues such as the need of no guards on trains and the availability of stock in certain areas? Much of this is based around costs and the loss of lucrative profits?

Other issues not only with trains, but also buses has been that of making space available for disabled people? This will require a massive change of attitudes to end the despising of the disabled and older folks, while also investing in modernising infrastructure and making everything level?

Tuesday 10 January 2017

New Life. Part-Two.

Price of metals fall and Rise?

This is one of the major problems with the recycling process, the cost of metals? But there remains a high demand for old metal and spare parts for all those classic cars out there, with much encouragement to rebuild old motors?

Today in the age of the throw away there is now a demand for retro-era machines, because they do last longer and do the same job as efficiently without the tech!

in some aspects this has worked for ships, aircraft and locomotives, but their problem is the coating of asbestos and that is why so many diesel trains are in the slow progress of being scrapped?

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Happy New Year?

New Technology!

2017 Promises the demise of the faithful and cheaper Diesel engine in automobiles, because it seems to be the cause of Global Warming and carbon monoxide poising in our urban environments? NASA claims that the new electro engine will replace the jet engine in all aspects when it is introduces (No dates given)?

There is much debate about the digital age entering every aspect of our lives from the Amazon Echo Dot to automated driving and the first robots for domestic service? But Amazon has been caught out by its Echo Dot, after it recorded a murder in the U.S. This has put off sales of the device, because of its eves dropping ability and that instead of storing information within its self, the data goes to a central computer the United States for analysis and processing!

It will be design that will again shape visually what we see in the machine world, from vehicles to trains, aircraft and shipping. It is unclear at this time why China has dropped its mass transit 300 seat mover, perhaps the need to turn a corner may be one of many factors as well as the cost and limited sales potential?

Construction and farming machinery are being revolutionised by cutting the need for less human activity. One man operation covering a whole host of tasks, instead of having several different machines for each one?

Speed remains the target market in the luxury car and motor-bike world, but it is China who have developed the fold-away electric bike as seen in the recent Guy Martin in China programme!

The new U.S. Administration is promising not only a new arms industry race, but new exploration and development in Space? Reaching for the stars to mine the Asteroid belt is also now back on the cards?

Much of what we take for granted in our homes today from gadgets to medicine, were developed in space over the last twenty years or so!