
Tuesday 9 August 2016

Satallites Military and Commercial. Part-One.

Reagans Laser Satellites Plus.

About two years ago amateur astronomers noticed a unidentified flying object making regular orbits of the Earth, at first they thought it was a satellite in an inner orbit?

But that would mean it might collide at some point with the International Space Station, NASA then had to reveal it was a new type of mini Space Shuttle known as the X37.

Science fiction and the dupe of former U.S President Mr. Ronald Reagan had become a reality. In one of the James Bond films a recovery vehicle was deployed to capture satellites from both the Soviets and the Americans.

The X37 was being used to maintain damaged military reconnaissance equipment in lower orbit, if not replace or update. Speculation arose that Israel and NATO were probably also having a share in the U.S. Project?

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