
Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Entertainment Trailers. Part-One.

Ancient times to the Present.

People have always wanted to be entertained or to see something new?

Today many trailers are designed for music systems or mobile bands, in fact a trailer can be used for many things in this area? In ancient times a long waggon was used like a caravan or stage coach for the transportation of Royalty or other military usage.

The recording of the first serious entertainment trailers was in the 16th Century when showmen appointed by various wealthy families where commissioned to display Menagerie's of animals, lions, wolves, birds, elephants, snakes and other unknown animals to the British Isles.

Similar developments also travelled across the rest of Europe, while Italy and France may have seen the first mobile plays. But the trailer did not come to the fore until the development of the steam engine and the German inspired organs, where today these fascinating machines can be seen at the many steam and vintage fairs across Britain.

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