
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Multiple Units.

Diesel and Electric.

The multiple unit in the railway world is described as a people mover, it has been designed for that sole purpose. Initially the idea was for a clean and smooth operation into and out of suburban areas, work on rural lines with a rail/auto coach, railcar.

Some auto coaches had the facility to carry light loads, mail, small boxes, milk churns and they appeared in the steam era. But it was the electrification of east/north-east and southern lines to overhead and third rail that introduced the first trains.

Today we have a plethora of types operating in the U.K and Ireland, from single railcars to two, three and four units trains, some are made up of two four unit trains that can split up to form two trains.

The introduction of the diesel powered units allow extensive operation across any part of the country. I hope to cover individual types and their operational working in the months to follow.

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