
Tuesday, 11 May 2021

One hundred Starships?

 Elon Musk Claims!

The space race is now moving at a very fast pace, as the world could be on the brink of a Nuclear war and mass devastation?

China, India, the U.A.E. and the U.S. have all made it to mars with their various probes, rovers and a helicopter and much has been seen that NASA do not even want to explain, perhaps life of some type over that of minerals and diamonds and many other unknown reasons why the U.S. keep going back?

Musk believes that we are now ready to build over one hundred starships to visit every corner of our Solar System, if not to get out to the fringes of the the Ort cloud, but China is also planning probe mission to the same region?

Space station activity is on the rise as Russia pulls out in 2025 of the ISS for their own new super Mir and China has sent the first component of their new station up, apart for the plans to construct a joint Chinese -Russian Moon base?

Even the U.S. is now announcing new projects on the same lines of a new Lunar base and Space station ?

Palestinian Rockets.

 Unguided Projectiles?

Many terrorists grouping world wide have a history in using unguided rockets and mortar tubes in their attacks in the name of liberation?  

Meanwhile many people across the world will have sympathy for the self determination of being occupied by a foreign power Israel, forgetting that some thirty years ago the IRA fired mortars at No:10 downing street for their liberation from protestant imperial occupation?

What are these rockets and where do they come from in the case of the Palestinians, Iran and N-Korea, paid with by European Union medical aid, for the IRA it was home made pipes copied from Libyan supplied armaments.

In other parts of the world, Abu-Sa'if used captured U.S. equipment and so it is the same worldwide, but mainstream armies also use rocket artillery Russia being a world leader in the development of the original Kaytushka in the the BM-series which is still in production, the U.S and NATO were late into rocket artillery, and yet they had some of the first systems?

Ancient China was the first known to use rockets in their warfare and put fear into their enemies, with gunpowder mixtures, but today anything from shrapnel, ball bearings to high explosives can be used and some have either nuclear shell casing or material than can be cause of serious burns and various illnesses, if not also biological viruses?