
Monday 7 October 2019

Electric Progressing!

Many nations are trying?

Sometimes I think environmental groups can or are being to hard on those who are trying to introduce battery powered vehicles into their fleets such as TFL (Transport for London and Royal Mail)?

This new technology will take time as both NASA and Boeing say that they too have now entered the race with Embraer in Brazil! But what we are not hearing in the west is what is happening in China and Russia in this technology?

The protest currently in the U.K. are trying to wake up people to the serious situation that pollution is now going to cause, if we do not stop wanting our independence with the car and the petrol engine?

There are many areas not being mentioned in the media re-the burning of oils in their various forms and their emphasis has been on plastics another product of petroleum! Banks and investments need to be exposed if we are ever going to get on top of global warming in relation to human activity?

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