
Tuesday, 29 January 2019

China Rising!

Taking the world by Storm?

Our western media is not telling us the truth about China in that it is in decline, when actually it is rising! For a nation to get into Space on its own, while landscaping the Spratly Islands, taking the world market with its Huawai phones and has a strong aviation industry is not very weak and in decline?

The truth about China is that it has never really had a decline of empire or nation status, it is the oldest probably in the world and a lot of technology that we use today originated there in the first place! Rockets, fireworks, paper, porcelain, printing blocks and much more!

Today China has five aircraft carriers larger versions of the one Russia sold to it for a planned Casino, it has several stealth jets designs on the go and the MC-21 commercial airliner and other military hardware that can bee seen at the annual North-Korean military parades.

Despite the jealousy of Europe and the U.S. China has made it to the back of the Moon and the west in all their claims do not seem to be much of an issue in relation to the Uighur Concentration camps, despite seventy-four years of hypocrisy over the last Holocaust?

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