
Tuesday 5 January 2016


More of What?

It would seem that the idea of the drone was the future last year, but now with so many incidents of near misses with aircraft and many other machines perhaps not?

Military and Police drones are perhaps being perfected for future use, but not the near future. NASA has twins with a new rocket propulsion system and the first SpaceEX return rocket from 125 miles up in one piece, this is technology where money is to be made in the commercial satellite market.

With the drop in oil prices and other fossil fuels, the demand for alternative's has been put on hold. With diesel at less than a pound in the U.K. 'I am afraid pollution or carbon emissions are going to be a problem despite the recent Paris, France conference.

One has to wonder sometimes about all this climate change, when military jets and missiles are being fired again in the middle-east how much of a carbon footprint do they make?

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