
Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Space Exploration. Part-Two.

2015 A great Year.

A British man in Space, the July Pluto flyby, Pictures from a Comet and Mars seen from three views. Most people don't even bother looking up at the sky, day or night. Sometimes its the occasional drunk who claims to have seen more than one Moon!

But for may others it is the closet that we will perhaps for some time yet get into space? Just a pair of Binoculars and you open your eyes to see ponderous things, from nearby planets to distant stars and galaxies.

One may also see the International Space Station and other man made objects. The Moon is the nearest object to view, we only see one side of it  because it does not rotate. Venus and Mars are next, followed by the gas giants, Jupiter, and Saturn. 

Other wise we can visit the Indian, European, Russian and NASA websites to see the feast of what these many robotic craft are doing in space and on Mars.

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