Distancing, how do we do that?
If this pandemic is to continue how are we to beat it in the concept of social distancing when today it was seen in the U.K that it was not working?
A great revolution of transport adaption has to be started, but governments will not want to spend the money and Mr. Johnson is not promising much hope to us in saying there may never be a cure, so why are people going to work unprotected?
Air travel may continue with the use of larger aircraft and the Airbus A380 might see a second life as the right kind of potential isolation aircraft? Other wise nothing that we have is viable and the costs will not cover the business!
The world is now in some really dire straights as a second wave in China, S-Korea is breaking out and still there is no unity working together to solve this situation, while many people are ignorant to what this undiscriminating virus is doing to humanity?