
Tuesday 31 March 2020

Air Shows Cancelled 2020!

Freighter Aviation Continues?

Bums on seats one would think makes the airline industry work, but it actually the cargo in the holds of most commercial aircraft that make the income!

There are many older aircraft by tradition in the aviation industry for freight, but now many new types such as the Boeing 777 are filling that role too. 

Most of the Amazon parcels come from the United States through FedEx and business post through UPS and DHL, but their are equally as many lesser known companies moving pharmaceuticals, military hardware and prisoners from A to B/Z by Kalitta, Wamos and various other Boeing 747 Jumbo's?

We will have to see how far things are going to develop with this COVID-19 virus, to see if air freight will be curtailed? 

One thinks not since China is now recovering well and they will have a monopoly over the Pacific region, airlines such as Cathy and EVA-Evergreen will hold their ground with Japanese ANA Cargo and S-Korean Cargo.

I think all air shows across Europe have been called off and many trade fares also since the shaky response to the recent Singapore show, were sales were fine but not much human life was seen?

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