
Sunday 10 November 2019

More Drones?

For Now!

It would seem that there are limitless roles for all the new high flying drones and glider types that are available on the market, over that of conventional propeller types?

These new aircraft are unmanned, agile, light and can stay up now for days rather than hours and with the various sensors and optics provide 24/7 coverage!

This does not mean that we are done with conventional commercial aviation, since people still need to get from A to Z and so does cargo! Despite the much protest world-wide one does not think that aviation will slacken off since we are now comfortable with it?

Mid-sized and small airlines may be the short future, but the long haul will continue, despite the demise of the giant Airbus A380, the ageing Boeing 747 Jumbo and the problematic 737-MAX?

Many new types are coming to the fore from Japan, China and Russia, along with Brazil, while others are being maintained to extend their operational lives!

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