
Thursday 28 November 2019

CASA. Part-One.

Spain's Aviation.

Casa has seen much success over the last fifty years in it aviation ventures from the CASA C-101 Aviojet to it cooperation with Indonesia and the CN-235 medium transport, leading to the larger version CN-295.

After developing the initial advanced trainer for the Spanish Airforce in the early 1970's  it moved on small transport aircraft to replace the aging licence built U.S Douglas DC-3 and German Junkers Ju-52/3m, and took a required market with the two, plus twelve seat C-212 Aviocar. This small transport has gradually developed from the 100-400 series and was exported to Jordan, Chile, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand.  

But it was not until CASA teamed up with Indonesia that real success paid off with both civil and military orders for the CN-235
Maritime reconnaissance, military and national guard transport and various other configurations has made this aircraft very adaptable for a quick switch round in roles.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Access for the Disabled?

Never mentioned in political Manifestos?

Even within the European Union and many other nations around the globe, governments continue to drag their feet in relation to implementing laws that would force public transport and buildings such as places of worship to make provision for wheelchair access, better lighting and physical help when needed?

Cost is perhaps one aspect of failing to do this, yet many in office and management have no problems receiving astronomical hikes in their annual wage packets along with many other lucrative perks?

Despite much protest in the U.K over the years, some famous politicians have been in the habit to block bills that come forward in relation to this access and one believes that big business should take the lead and bring to shame the lies of many of our two-faced politicians! 

Because it is looking like if one is disabled, short-sighted, blind we are being left behind like a sub-human species?

Sunday 10 November 2019

New Mission to Pluto?

A proposed paper is underway at NASA!

Pluto is intriguing in that it is an active world on the known edge of our Solar system, New Horizons proved that with cold volcanism and an atmosphere! It would be interesting to return there with a robotic craft and stay in orbit, while also sending a rover to explore the surface?

Microbial life could exist on most planets that are active in some way, wither anything larger has developed will probably one day be discovered? Within our Solar system there remains many mysteries in relation to all the planets and Moons, humans will have to go and find our what is what?

The Moon, Mars and Titan are the next targets for NASA and a new Space station known as Gateway to orbit the Moon. 

Water ice is the target to sustain our life on any of these bodies and Space travel too, it will take time since we are only sixty-two years old when it comes to this field of aeronautics and science!

More Drones?

For Now!

It would seem that there are limitless roles for all the new high flying drones and glider types that are available on the market, over that of conventional propeller types?

These new aircraft are unmanned, agile, light and can stay up now for days rather than hours and with the various sensors and optics provide 24/7 coverage!

This does not mean that we are done with conventional commercial aviation, since people still need to get from A to Z and so does cargo! Despite the much protest world-wide one does not think that aviation will slacken off since we are now comfortable with it?

Mid-sized and small airlines may be the short future, but the long haul will continue, despite the demise of the giant Airbus A380, the ageing Boeing 747 Jumbo and the problematic 737-MAX?

Many new types are coming to the fore from Japan, China and Russia, along with Brazil, while others are being maintained to extend their operational lives!