
Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Pollution! Part-Two.

The failure to Re-cycle!

There is no demand to reuse the plastics, computers and vehicles that we have. just like food, building materials and clothes?

We live in a manufacturing generation of wanting the latest of everything, without considering the costs of what is being left behind!

One of the great breakthrough was the Tesler cars, but as in times past the cost of each unit was too high and to much boasting gave false pretences, this is the problem with the Airbus A380, its too costly to run as in the past Concorde was!

Many trains and buses along with service vehicles are moving in to new energy, but electricity is still being produced by the burning of fossil fuels.

Very little investment is being put into public transport and since the crime rate is rising many want their own vehicle to travel in because they fell safe and go where we want to at any time day or night?

What Alternatives?

Thinking outside the Box!

There has to be alternatives for vehicles and machines to what is happening now?

The media addresses aviation and plastic as the biggest pollutants, but the reality is the dumping of chemicals by heavy industry and the burning of Diesel and petrol!

 Engines produce carbon monoxide which is the main cause of asthma and other respiratory diseases and this has been known for some time, sowing more tree and offering inhalers is not enough when humanity can reach the stars?

Currently we have LPG (Liquid petroleum Gas), solar power, battery and electric engine developments, but the truth be told nothing much has changed with some of these technologies since 1895!

The question is why is this all taking so long and the answer to that question is big business and human greed to make a quick investment hoping that in at least three hundred years from now we will have found better alternatives if they make us money?

Pollution! Part-One.

Fire, steam, electric and Nuclear?

Through the last two hundred years humanity has moved from the burning of wood to splitting the Atomic atom and yet we remain limited to the use of fossil fuels to keep our world of manufacturing and travel to derivatives of oil for most vehicles, shipping, trains and aviation?

One has only to live by the coast to see the effects of polluted smog gathering in the mid summer afternoons to know that the petrol engine is a serious problem to human health!

Governments do need to wake up and reduce traffic on roads and find quick alternatives to our reliance on petrol, oil and coal?

LPG Conversions might be the solution for many between now and the compulsory introduction of battery and electric vehicles?