
Tuesday 12 March 2019

Research Ships?

A plastic and Nuclear Ocean!

Nearly every nation that has access to the Sea or to large bodies of water will have their own fleet of survey vessels and research ships. But what they are used for remains ''hush, hush'' in most cases apart from the obvious?

Nuclear dumping and plastic waste in the oceans needs regular monitoring, but there is also concern as to why the crust under the oceans is warming up! This has been a sudden change in recent years and is part of the climate change debate, rather than smog an the established facts of the Sun?

Much research is also made in relation to mining and the discovery of oil and gas fields, now that we are running out of fossil fuels on the land masses! These vessels come in all sizes and shapes and some are equipped with helicopter decks for re-supply and also work in the Polar regions!

Data collected can be sent via the Internet back to their respective countries for collation and analyses.

Boeing 737-MAX

Grounded across the globe since Sundays Ethiopian Losses!

One has to wonder why Boeing did not stop the flights of this aircraft, when they knew it was a having technical problems with its computers?

Perhaps one reason is just shear greed and ignorance, that if you sweep it under the carpet it will eventually go away!

Today Britain has stopped over flights of this type, joining China, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Singapore, Ethiopia, Mexico, Indonesia, Fiji, S-Korea, Thailand, and one U.S. airline, while Canada is considering!

The 737-series has become the worlds workhorse in aviation and is the most common transport aircraft since the 1970's. Only Airbus is now catching up with it A318/9/20/21 types and others airlines have opted for the Embraer series!