
Wednesday 13 July 2016

WNAS16. Part-Two.

Ground vehicles and other Equiptment.

Unfortnutaly this year they were mostly up beyond the War Memorial and I missed quite a few Army vehicles arriving and leaving. 

One can go by what was on show last year, but I saw nothing tracked this time around. Most of the MAN trucks looked like they had to do with the RAF, Royal Engineers and Radio Communications, various Landrovers and a lone fuel tanker.

Many of the vehicles that were seen rushing by, are shown on various films that have been put up in connection to the Queens Royal Hussars Regiment.

The show is a great event for military recruiting and if the Governemnt listens to Prince Harry, we may soon see the re-introduction of compulsary military service or Conscription. Something that will help to cut youth crime across the United Kingdom?

'As many of my older relatives would say, 'It never hurt them and gave them much more than sitting around doing nothing!

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