
Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Sea Power In the Med. Part-One.

European Force. 

There at this time two major areas of European involvement with Naval vessels, the Gulf of Aden between Yemen and northern-Somalia protecting western shipping from being hijacked. The other is in the Mediterranean dealing with refugees fleeing Libya or north-Africa.

Ireland last year donated their Emer Class Corvette LE Aoife P22, to the Maltese Navy as P65. It is the first warship for Malta, since the Crusades 1091-1340. It is now part of the European force, that has seen the U.K. deploy two Frigates and one support ship HMS Hermes.

Everyday the Italian Navy is overwhelmed by the number of crap boats trying to get to the island of Lampadusa, many hundreds of people are drowned each day on these fatal crossings. 

Finland and Sweden, along with France and perhaps the British patrol the Arabia sea, Gulf of Aden and the narrows into the Red sea. The task here is to protect gas and oil tankers heading to Europe with their cargoes from the Persian Gulf. Hijacking and hostage taking is big business for Al-Shabab and other affiliated Al-Quida militants in this region.

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