
Tuesday 15 September 2015

Hunters of the Sea. Part-One.

Fishing Industry.

Have you seen the two recent programmes on television in relation to what fishermen get up to at sea? The Catch and Trawler Wars open to the general public where our hake and cod today comes from and the risk endured daily by crews in all weathers at sea.

Fishing vessels come in all sizes from small one man and his fishing rod to factory ships, but generally they are in the Trawler class. These classes of vessels vary from nation to nation in how they are built and laid out, but they basically all try to do the same thing.

These two programmes and I am sure their are many other, reveal that the fishing industry is surviving on the edge. European quota's and many other International agreements do not benefit fishermen from individual nations, because it now allows others to fish in their waters and vise versa.

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