
Friday 5 September 2014

Invisible Bombers. Part-One.

From the B1 to the F35.

Being invisible is a fantastic advantage over enemy radar and it would seem that the U.S has lead the way in the development of black ops and ghost radar or dark aircraft. Despite having sinister names for the types and the projects, many by know may be out of date.

The B1 strategic long-range supersonic bomber is the first line defence for the U.S, backed up by the B2. The F117 was a state of the art fighter up to the Yugoslavian war of collapse, but this has now been replaced by advanced fighters such as the F35.

Perhaps in the forthcoming war with Russia we will see how these types really operate against the TU-160 Blackjack and Sukhoi Su-50, Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-35.

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