
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Trawlers. Part-Three.

Varied Kinds.

Every part of the globe has different types of fishing boats both new and old. It would seem that everyone has adapted their boats to deal with their local sea conditions. My book may be a bit out of date now, but it records that there are of twenty-eight different types of Trawlers, Seiner and Stern trawlers.

From inshore boats to deep water and various types of Lobster and speciality, these vessels use a variety of mechanics to lift a choice of five types of nets Trawling, Seining, Purse Seining, Long lining and Drifting.

Most deep water boats are designed to roll with the waves and this may help them not to capsize?

Bigger fishing vessels are known as Factory ships and Whalers, there is a huge demand in the worlds supermarkets and wholesalers for processed fish and tined varieties to.

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