
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year.

Future concepts.

This is the last day of 2013, tomorrow a New Year begins and with it will come the revelation of new designs and concepts in all types of machines. New engines will be developed, some will be revealed to us, while others are going from the minds of great thinkers to paper. Meanwhile other ideas are nowin the process of being built.

Some of these will be for the military around the world, more effective and better ways to kill. While others are being adapted for civil use and to benfit humanity. 

The race to Mars is now hotting up and many new nations are joing the space race. Some of these appear to be okay, but others may have a more sinister motives?

Will we see a replacement to the NASA space shuttle soon, will more electic cars be built, will we find alternative energies and how many nations will be running after the resouces on the north pole, as the 400 year warming cycle is now underway?

Tuesday 24 December 2013

The R.N.L.I. Part-One.

Life boat search and rescue.

The RNLI is a shared service in both Britain and Ireland, it has a long history of saving life at sea and saving people stranded in difficult places. From its orgins and basic open rowing boats it has developed into a high tec' service, which is now an invaluable assit to these islands.

Life boats, inflatables and hovercraft are manned by volunteers, who are supported by donations and annual subscriptions from the general public. 

The RNLI work with the Coastguard and Military/Police search and rescue, on my You tube site I have filmed various life boats and helicopters. Some are on call, while others are on training exercises. 

Please remember them this special season and with out recent and forthcoming horrible weather.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Father Christmas.


'Christmas is a coming and if you listen at night to the air, you will hear the gentle ringing of Santa's reindeer's bells tingling from afar.'

I believe in Santa and why not, my parents worked their socks off to buy me something each year. It was not a lot, but it was enough. Today many people discount this special Christian season and that is sad.

But as to sleds, the Lapp, Evenki and Eskimos continue to use them, because they are essential for travel in snowy regions. Today they are motorised and can pull much more than the good old huskies dogs or reindeer's could. Sleds or ski's are also fitted to aircraft and helicopters and these are found in service in snow capped mountain terrain and glacier regions across the globe.

The sled was originaly made of curved wood or bone and it is not known how old they are. There are many more peoples apart from the three main groups mentioned living around the north pole. There is one group in Siberia who have developed houses for all year travel or life on the snow. I suppose you could either describe them as Snow Gypsy's or Nomads.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Animal Power.

'Two Ways.

Just becuase we live in the age of the machine, does not mean that our animals have become redundant so soon. The majority of what is termed 'the second and third world' continue to rely on horses, donkeys and oxen to do the work of expensive machine alternatives.

Romania and Bulgaria are in the news at the moment, because Europe is worried of an immigration influx. But in these countries animals are seen pulling and hauling loads, yet every home has their own car. People want to travel far, for entertainment and travel.

The future also holds the concept of mechanical animals, which are under development for various military forces world-wide. Many people are using animal waste to power vehicles and generation, as an cheaper alternative energy source.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Helicopters. Part-Two.

Sea King/S-61 to Eurocopter EC-135/145.

The helicopter in our moder world has become both an essential and invaluable tool. Since last week 9 people were sadly killed, when a EC-135T2 fell out of the skies and hit a pub venue in Glasgow, Scotland. U.K.

But despite this we must not think that helicopters are now dangerous, more people die in the British isles each day in car incidents. They are either at the wheel or are pedestrians, but that does not mean we have to stop driving!

The Eurocopter family were derived from some very succesfull machines such as the Alouette III and the Bolkow BO-105. Both the EC-135 and newer 145 are now widley used across the globe for their versitilty. Police, military, air ambulance, search and rescue, as well as electricity and oil line inspections. 

The Westland Seaking and Sikorsky S-61 soldier on with their long range capability for search and rescue, both at sea and mountains. They have a great ability to operate in severe weather conditions. Yet all machines really operate becuase of the skill of very well trained and astute pilots, who take chances only when needs be. Thank you for them.