
Saturday 25 November 2023

Concorde is too fly again!

 U.S. Competition is serious?

Over twenty years since Air France lost one aircraft after the Paris crash, this sleek and stylish dream machine was grounded, but now with new technology and the backing of perhaps Sir Richard Branson and others it is to be revived!

The U.S. is now in the field with a serious contender and there remains a big market for super-sonic speed and travel by the wealthy of this world, who want to get from A to B/Z quickly, with comfort, privacy and style?

It is not clear at this time with Concorde will remain a 100 seat aircraft, being slightly smaller to 90 seats in former French service or that it will be bigger, but new materials and fuels with electric conversion are all on the cards even to go hyper-sonic at some state, which will be interesting, even into limited space flight?


 A new kind of warfare inspired by the U.S.Backed Ukraine.

How the scorpion always has a sting in its tail and this was proved on the morning of October 7th, when three thousand Hamas fighters and their affiliates poured in across the Gaza border fence into southern-Israel, deploying a armed flight wing of two man motorized para-gliders with their militants dressed in Israeli army uniforms.

Drones were also deployed and later backed up with mortar, short and long range rocket firing in to C-Israel, all of what happened on this Saturday morning was an almost U.S. copy book of what the Ukrainians were taught to do to the Russian in the eastern Ukraine?

900 Israeli civilians and 300 IDF soldiers were killed, it is unknown how many foreign workers died or were among the 300+ kidnapped!

Terrorism has moved on now to a new level of Para-gliding, speedboats and drones, apart from home-made rockets and the simple use of light weapons and more of this is to come, unless there are more restrictions on the use of these technologies!

Meanwhile the Arab Media is playing the same baby-children propaganda as in the Ukraine too to win the heart strings of the naive?