
Saturday, 29 July 2023

Lithium Dangers?

 Overheating Electrics.

With the recent incident of a K-Line car carrier catching fire in the North-Sea, off northern Holland, there are some serious concerns in relation to how safe are electric cars in storage and on the roads.

Many people are being almost forced now to consider electric over that of the fossil fuel burners, by the introduction of ULEZ type schemes across the U.K.

But for the poorer end of the market, there is not much to choose from and warnings on second-hand electrics, is that they are riddled with problems that will be not worth paying for.

It would seem that at some point another lower fuel emission will have to be considered, before a new improved electric system can be found.

Despite all this many people are still buying, and others are finding the overheating problem is really dangerous with cars being abandoned in many places when they catch fire?

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Gas and Battery Buses?

 Electric is much cheaper than fossil Fuels.

Many city fleets of buses have now either opted for battery or gas, but with the very hot summers of recent years there is a problem of the Lithium overheating and vehicles catching fire.

To this date nothing better is yet available, but there are many innovations that are not getting tested and so for most of the year, apart from two months everything works fine.

Lamp post hubs are becoming the norm in London for buses and other vehicles on a pre-paid system and with the phasing out of diesel. We will have better transport connections that are far cheaper by at least £1.70 per litre of conventional fuel.

Saturday, 8 July 2023

Tecnam P2012T Traveller.

 Electric powered testing Halted.

This new Italian and U.S. based innovation P-Volt technical aircraft based on the successful P2012T, traveller has been halted after the power capability of the two new electro engines has run in to issues of loss of power or cut off in mid-flight with not being enabled to control the aircraft.

Last year many believed we were on the beginning of a electric revolution. but now we know that much of what was thought possible is not going to work, as well as land and sea and so conventional power will be staying for some time yet.

Helicopters may see that possibility and many concepts are coming to the fore, but the reality is that the drone is to replace the need for some helicopters since they are more versatile in how they can be deployed.

Greed over Safety!

 Titanic Tourism?

The warning signs and the dangers were ignored for the big bucks, it is always the same. When the Titanic was launched from Belfast now N-Ireland, it lacked lifeboats and the Captain was told, 'If he was not happy, he could find another ship?

One could say, 'the whole matter is cursed with fatality and arrogance, one is not impressed with Titanic tourism or the desecration of a sea grave, since it is only and hundred and twelve years, and it might be different in other cases maybe?

Like space, the deep oceans are dangerous places and equipment must be double checked after every trip, since unknown factors will be at play from space dust, to fractures from pressures on the hull.

A year on and Russia is winning!

 Ukrainian Bragging?

It is unlikely that the Ukraine will beat Russia in a war of any kind, since the deployment of the hypersonic Sukhoi SU-50 and its variant's will obliterate any western aircraft that might be deployed against it and what the west is providing Kiev in now old stock?

Russia has raced ahead in the field of hypersonic and the United States has lagged behind, due to financial crises that has plague the states since the end of the era of President George Bush.

These new types can our run and gun any other aircraft and if the U.S. and Europe were to deploy the good tech such as the F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning and the Typhoon, Swedish JA-27, they still would be no match for this unique aircraft.