
Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Nations Gathering for War?

What we have not been Told!

Last Saturday the world held its breath as the U.S, and Europe attacked Syria with guided cruise missiles on three insignificant targets? But what we were not told in our media, was that many other nations to had their battleships in the Mediterranean ?

China has come to the support of Russia and Syria, with ships in the Red sea and Persian gulf some being diverted from anti-pirating work in the Arabian sea off Somalia and Yemen!

All these ships remain shadowing each other with submarines in all the mentioned above locations and showing us that things are not over yet?

May 14th is the next key day in the Middle-East, when the U.S. moves its embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem and recognises it on Israel's 70the anniversary?

The Palestinians and many Iranian/Syrian backed terrorists groups are planning a world-wide anti-American backlash!

This is a region of elusive victories, when you think you have it all wrapped up, it all just unravels before you back into more disaster? But since 9/11 and 7/7, with many other attacks around the world, everything has changed and we will have to just wait and see if World War-III is coming?

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

New Zealand Enters Space!

The first material Rocket?

New Zealand's aviation industry, yes they have one?

Has developed what it claims is the first bio rocket that will launch a payload into space and leave no debris! This new rocket is made of nylon materials and is tough enough to do the job of getting their first self launched communications satellite into space!

This will be an encouragement to many small nations that they can have their own and have no need of relying on others for the expensive work! Many nations have already expressed an interest in this system, but one does not know what the actual satellite is made from and what will be its fate on re-entry to our atmosphere?

There are many new concepts and claims being made about inter-Earth travel and that Space tourism may take-off within the next few years? This is because both Russia and China are considering to build a new MIR station, if the U.S abandon the International Space station for committing to a Moon base and expedition to Mars by 2030?

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Component Suppliers.

Cannot do Without?

Technology and engineering rely on the supply of components from about nine groups or nations around the world to keep everything working, the U.S.A., Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, India, Brazil, Israel, Japan and the Republic of South-Africa.

All supply what could be termed common components, but in many cases in their own right they are individual! Trains, automobiles, tanks, shipping, Space and aircraft are now not usually built or constructed in one place?

Some are moved or have to wait for other parts, many networks, airlines and road transport are owned by several companies, shareholders and nations?

Chip technology is a world-wide product being made for many nations and manufacturers from Israel, S-Korea and Japan! While India, China, Russia and the U.S.A. have developed their own systems in computing their is still breech of licence and copyright issues in many cases?