
Tuesday 27 February 2018

Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey!

Aviation Breakthrough?

The Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey is one of the most unstable flying machines to master today in aviation and yet it is now leading to many new ideas in relation to both the helicopter and the airliner coming together in one machine which will perhaps in the next one-hundred years change aviation for ever?

To have an aircraft to fly medium distances and then land like a hovering helicopter, would cut out the need for long runways and open the possibility of landing on individual pads per building? This is a short term goal, but it would not for some time replace long haul travel or freighter work and the need for large aircraft and long runways?

Today the United States have developed a newer and more stable version of this long time original, initially like the Osprey this version is for the military? But civil concepts and ideas are flowing of the design pages and so we may see a different sky scape in fifty years from now?

Transport in Africa. Part-One.

Changing Continent?

Not much is thought about the continent of Africa, when it comes to transport it all seems backward? But this is far from the truth, in fact it is seeing some of the latest technology being tested before we might get it?

Republic South-Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya and Botswana are fast growing economies with the technology and industry to back them up and they are aiming higher than Europe in some areas? Solar power, Aviation, mechanical engineering, mining and automobiles as well as Space flight are on the cards for them to pursue in the next one-hundred years!

What is not much known about the continent is that is has a long space-race history with Europeans using facilities in Kenya and Nigeria and that RSA is one of the most advanced nations with an established Locomotive, military, vehicle and aviation industry!

China, Russia and the U.S. along with Europe and the U.K. have had a long history of supplying equipment, but it has been the Africans who have adapted everything to meet their own needs!

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Commercial Space Flight?

How near is It!

Many like Branson have built and are testing their designs, but as to when will it really be safe to commercially fly into Space is a guess? There are several factors that are holding back inner Earth flight and it has nothing to do with current technology, but rather secret military spy plane missions and low orbiting intelligence satellites!

A collision by one or the other at this time is a very probable reality and the loss of life, would be a long term commercial disaster for Space tourism? So we have a long way to go in relation to getting up there, first the early tests on Space Bots are successful, but not all nations as yet will have access to these new types of Satellites?

Cost is another factor in limiting those who will be able to make this type of flight and it is not clear what emergency measures are in place if something went wrong? These new Space ships as yet do not seem to have a facility for an escape pod or life line in the event of a fire!